Monica Lewinsky Complains That the Embarrassing Starr Report Was Released in Full – IOTW Report

Monica Lewinsky Complains That the Embarrassing Starr Report Was Released in Full

I love how Newser implies that it’s Trump who is preventing the full release of the Mueller report.


When then-President Clinton was the subject of a special counsel investigation, the resulting report from Kenneth Starr was, famously, published in full. Not so, at least so far, for President Trump: After special counsel Robert Mueller finished his probe and submitted a report to the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr simply provided a brief summary to the public. Well, Monica Lewinsky has something to say about that.

Lewinsky, of course, was featured prominently in the 453-page Starr report, including graphic descriptions of her alleged sexual encounters with Clinton, the Daily Beast and Newsweek report. On Wednesday, she tweeted three simple words describing her reaction to how differently the Mueller report has been handled thus far.


Hey Monica,

YOU PERFORMED BLOWIES on the president.

The claim that trump engaged in golden showers with prostitutes was bogus and is what led to the special counsel investigation.

Do you see the difference?

15 Comments on Monica Lewinsky Complains That the Embarrassing Starr Report Was Released in Full

  1. Notice that it was the Starr Report that was embarrassing and not the shameful actions?

    What’s up with that?

    Like the vegan who was sorry she was captured on camera eating meat?

    Shameful acts don’t shame us but the revelations of those shameful acts do?

    Remember the fag who killed himself after a video of him “pleasuring” his friends was released? The fact that he “pleasured” his friends wasn’t a secret (at least to himself and to his friends) but somehow the publication of the image was a mortal blow?

    Hypocrisy or human nature?
    Don’t do shameful shit and you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.
    (advice more easily given than followed)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Among other things, the Starr investigation and subsequent report were the result of an actual crime that was known to have been committed while there was no know crime being investigated by Mueller.

    That said, Donald Trump can hardly be connected to the release or non release of the report and has openly stated he has no objection to its release.

    Since the report has just been given to the Justice Dept and Barr, it’s a good bit early to start implying that it, or part of it, is being kept secret to hide something, isn’t it?

  3. The Dems do not want the full report released. Anything to delay, divert, or prevent a fresh investigation of the corruption supporting the “coup” from Obama down to Hillary, Comey, Rosenstein, Schiff…

  4. Dimwitted Dems are always lying! How in the world could anyone or anything embarrass either ‘on her knees’ Monica of blue dress fame or Blow Job-kiss it-Billy?

  5. Monica Lewinsky is the type of empty-headed liberal that will swallow anything, especially if comes from Bill Clinton.

    I suppose she was dreaming of replacing Hillary in the WH. No wonder they called her and others that fell for Bill “Bimbo Eruptions”.


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