Robert Mueller used triangulation to promote and protect the Deep State – IOTW Report

Robert Mueller used triangulation to promote and protect the Deep State


Make no mistake: the Robert Mueller who was heralded by Democrats and clueless Republicans is anything but upstanding and honest.  Robert Mueller is an agent of the Deep State who was handpicked by another Deep-State operative, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

As special counsel, Robert Mueller became an integral part of the ongoing Deep-State insurance policy to destroy and eventually impeach and unseat President Trump and provide cover for Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, and Deep-State operatives in the FBI and DOJ.  What’s shocking is that Mueller operated under a cloak of secrecy and protection provided by our own government.

A major part of Mueller’s objective appears to have been dragging out the Russia collusion investigation long enough to affect the 2018 elections in hopes of helping Democrats take control of either the House or the Senate or both.  Mission accomplished.  Andrew McCarthy explains that by September 2017, Mueller knew there was no collusion case.

With the success of helping Democrats take back the House of Representatives, Mueller was now positioned to compose a final report specifically designed to appease President Trump and his supporters and keep the door open for Democrats and their operatives in the MSM to pursue obstruction of justice charges against Trump, his administration, and his family.  The one caveat in this plan was to make sure that neither the Democrats nor Republicans would get all that they hoped for from his report.  In doing this, a majority of the public will likely see Mueller’s investigation as being honest and fair, which should make it almost politically impossible for both Democrats and Republicans to openly attack Mueller or his investigation.


ht/ forcibly deranged

7 Comments on Robert Mueller used triangulation to promote and protect the Deep State

  1. Mueller’s entire efforts were de-legitimatized the second he was appointed as special counsel due to his ties with Comey, he was biased and infected from the get go.

    Factor in a slathering of Hillary operatives as his lead investigators, we all knew it was going to be worthless, partisan and incomplete.

  2. Yeah, he used one of those special Hillary triangulators.

    (Wasn’t “triangulation” invented by Bill and Hillary Clinton ?)

    I wonder if AG Barr can subpoena his email client and server files.

  3. What’s shocking is that Mueller operated under a cloak of secrecy and protection provided by our own government.

    What’s shocking is people that are not officials of the occupation are allowed to publish the canard “our government”.


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