Mark Dice – Flashback: The Left Actually Sang Mueller Christmas Carols – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – Flashback: The Left Actually Sang Mueller Christmas Carols

5 Comments on Mark Dice – Flashback: The Left Actually Sang Mueller Christmas Carols

  1. A hard core leftist seriously made a comment in a large online meeting yesterday ‘has anyone got any connections to get the Mueller report’. Good thing I had that muted so he couldn’t hear my reaction. Nothing has changed, they still believe the full report is going to do DJT and his entire family in. Wouldn’t Mueller himself be challenging Barr if there was something in the report he didn’t summarize that was damming?!

  2. Anonymous, they are hopeful, like Judge Nap:

    “The Mueller probe may not be over just yet. Judge Andrew Napolitano said there is positively “some” proof of Trump-Russia conspiracy and obstruction of justice in the 700 page report.

    “In the 700 page summary of the 2 million pages of raw evidence there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice,” he told FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto. “Just not enough evidence.”


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