Sorry, Not Sorry – Travel Ban Enforced – IOTW Report

Sorry, Not Sorry – Travel Ban Enforced

You want relatives from a country under a travel ban to come visit you in the USA? Nope, you don’t have any rights to violate the ban.

GOPUSAJudge tosses travel ban lawsuit, says families don’t have right to demand visas for relatives

A federal judge tossed out one of the remaining challenges to President Trump’s travel ban policy on Wednesday, ruling that the government had the power to refuse visas for people under the affected countries.

Judge Brian M. Cogan also ruled that while there is such a thing as a right to “familial association,” it only applies to people already legally in the U.S., and cannot be used to demand the country let in relatives who aren’t in the country.

The case stemmed from a claim by dozens of Yemeni individuals that they had been promised valid visas to visit the U.S., then saw those offers revoked after Mr. Trump implemented his travel ban.

Their relatives — either U.S. citizens or legal immigrants here in the U.S. — filed a class action lawsuit saying the denial of the visas was a violation of their rights.

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