Canadian Court orders man to pay restitution for telling the truth – IOTW Report

Canadian Court orders man to pay restitution for telling the truth

If we don’t push back, this is coming to America.


A B.C. human rights tribunal has ruled that a Christian activist discriminated against a man who claims to be “female” by distributing flyers that referred to the man, who was running for political office at the time, as a “biological male.”

The court ruled for transgender activist “Morgane” Oger, born Ronan Oger, and against Christian activist Bill Whatcott by declaring it’s discriminatory not to accept transgender people as the gender they claim to be.

In a 104-page ruling released Wednesday (read full ruling below), the tribunal further declared there’s no room for any public debate in the matter, according to theVancouver Star.

The tribunal also ordered Whatcott to pay Oger $35,000 in compensation for injury to his “dignity, feelings and self-respect,” and an additional $20,000 to Oger for Whatcott’s alleged improper conduct during and before the hearings, it reported.

Whatcott, 52, described the tribunal hearing as a “kangaroo show trial” and said he’s not surprised by the decision.



18 Comments on Canadian Court orders man to pay restitution for telling the truth

  1. Why fight it? If they get to choose their gender and demand the proper pronoun, so be it.

    We demand ours. No longer are we to be referred to as “Mr.” or Mrs.” or “he ” or “she”. My DEMANDED pronoun is “MASTER” Possibly, “MY LORD”…might even go for “GOD”.

    And they’ll have to forever refer to us as “MASTER” or they lose at their own game.

  2. “man identifying as a woman breaking the four-minute mile”

    Stick shifts shouldn’t be allowed in the competition. Should be only superglides running the female 4 min.

  3. Start with this: obama is a homosexual (no big thing, except he keeps it secret) and that beast he brings long is anything but a woman.

    Let those truths go, and everything goes with it.

  4. This is one more of the legacies left to Canada from Pierre Elliot Trudeau (the father of the current PM, Justin the Younger) in the form of the “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” which is really neither. Also asshole liberal judges that keep getting appointed doesn’t help.

  5. The sexual perversity bill is it! Gender Derangement Syndrome is a mental disorder which makes such an unbalanced person dangerous. If a gun owner can be accused of being a threat to others and have his guns stripped from him, then a male gender mental case should be “stripped” of his dangerous genitalia weapon. Better get busy fighting for freedom of speech on this subject before SWAT teams and judges make ALL truth speech illegal, while all forms of perversity will be legalized and protected.

  6. If he’s a woman because he says he is, and you identify as a judge because you say you are, then I identify as a foreign diplomat and claim complete immunity, case dismissed.

  7. “Therefore, to the extent that Mr. Whatcott intends to call witnesses to establish the truth of his impugned publications, that evidence is simply not relevant to the legal issue and will not be heard by this Tribunal”


  8. “Thas MY facts … those is YOUR facts …”

    Thus, reality isn’t relevant in Canadian jurisprudence.
    Good to know – not that I ever planned to go there – but good to know, anyway.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. res·ti·tu·tion
    1. the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
    “seeking the restitution of land taken from blacks under apartheid”
    return · restoration · handing back · replacement · surrender · yielding · [more]
    2. recompense for injury or loss.
    “he was ordered to pay $6,000 in restitution”
    compensation · recompense · reparation · damages · indemnification
    3. the restoration of something to its original state.
    “restitution of the damaged mucosa”

    What was taken or stolen from the acknowledged pervert that had to be “restored?”
    How was the acknowledged pervert “injured” that he required “restitution?”
    OR – How was the acknowledged pervert changed from his original state that he had to be “restored” to it?

    He was not slandered. Speaking a fact cannot under any circumstance be even remotely construed as a “slander.” A fact is, simply, a fact. It cannot be otherwise than what it is.

    Gravity Sucks – a fact.
    Globaloney Warming is a Hoax – a fact.
    Regardless on which part of the Earth you dwell, the sky is “up” – a fact.
    B. Hussein Obama is a liar – a fact.
    Obama, Gruber, Reid, and Pelosi conspired to defeat our Constitutional order and undermine the foundation of our nation – a fact.
    Obama, Clinton, Clapper, Comey, and a host of others conspired to usurp the Office of the Presidency, with the explicit complicity of the Media – that’s a FACT.
    Canada is a jurisprudential shit-hole – a fact.
    Canadians are either dumber than dirt or cowed as slaves – a fact.
    E = mc^2 (in the first approximation) – a fact.

    All the caterwauling in the World can’t change a fact – though through enticement, force, or torture you can make others pretend (or profess) that a falsity as a fact.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. “…the tribunal further declared there’s no room for any public debate in the matter…”

    …always eager to shut down the discussion, aren’t they? “I HAVE SPOKEN, PEASANT! NONE MAY QUESTION ME!”

    …and only when they “settle” an issue where THEY want it “settled” is debate forever after not allowed…

  11. “the tribunal also ordered Whatcott to pay Oger $35,000 … and an additional $20,000…”

    with all that new found cash, he can get another appendage cut off.
    Unbelievable. state the truth and go to jail.


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