University Removes Its Mascot — It’s an old, white colonialist – IOTW Report

University Removes Its Mascot — It’s an old, white colonialist

Campus Reform-

The George Washington University student body voted Thursday to “remove and replace” its mascot, the George the Colonial.

According to the GWU Joint Elections Commission, 54 percent of students who voted in this spring’s Student Association elections supported the removal of the Colonial as the school’s mascot. It was not immediately clear what students plan to replace the Colonial mascot with or even if school administrators will act on the results of the referendum.

“There’s a huge difference between a colonial, which is our mascot, and anyone who lived during colonial times, and colonialism, which is what students are saying this mascot is representative of, which is not the case at all.”    

Campus Reform asked GWU to comment on the matter but did not hear back in time for publication.

The original push to change the mascot started last spring with an online petition, which garnered over 500 signatures.  Ashley Le, who served as GW Student Association President at the time, encouraged university administrators to listen to students’ concerns on the matter. The total number of signatories that the petition has amounted to less than 2 percent of the GW student body.

Campus Reform correspondents went to the school and interviewed students to get their thoughts on the matter. Not many students were aware of the push to change the mascot at the time. One did call the colonial “a little white supremacisty [sic].”


21 Comments on University Removes Its Mascot — It’s an old, white colonialist

  1. WE were the colonies, you morons…and we revolted against our oppressors to win our freedom. The freedom that allows you to be morons, btw.

    This didn’t happen over night. This is the kind of crap taught to our children from Day 1 in public school.

    I was flipping through channels the other night, and stopped at the new game show that Rob Lowe is hosting…”Mental Samurai”, I think it’s called…just to see how stupid it was. But I wasn’t prepared for the stupidity of the contestant.

    The guy was black, but not hood black. Maybe 30, obviously well educated, and well spoken. The question was what do you get when you add the number of original American colonies with the title of a John Hughes film. He kinda knew the John Hughes film (16 Candles), but had NO clue that there were 13 original colonies. And he was cruisin’ through the preceding questions, so it wasn’t like he was nervous. He was just never TAUGHT anything about the origins of this country. Except that we’re bad.

  2. There is a major Leftist push on to make us forget who and why we are and deceive us into becoming something else instead, with no recollection of what we once were.

    This is how a people is destroyed.

    It is deliberate and planned that way, we are standing in the way of some powerful agenda that needs us removed to move ahead.

  3. When I considered GW University for my bachelor degree many years ago they proudly advertized they were over 50% foreign students. That turned me off big time. I can’t imagine what the percent is many decades later, along with how many foreign born leaders are in control now.
    No wonder they want to distance themselves from anything associated with the USA.

  4. Gee Wally, has anybody noticed how things have gotten sooooooo much better since they tore down all those Confederate statues???

    Yeah Beave, trust me, if these flaming Communist radicals could blow up Mount Rushmore they would!

  5. Okay, all good. Now let’s make it so each demographic can only utilize the things their own demographic invented. Latin women can use only things that Latin women invented. Central Asian men can only use things that Central Asian men invented. White men can only use things that white men invented, etc. I think it’s only fair and it’s probably the best way to keep things equal.

  6. New rule: Anyone who applies to attend George Washington University waives the right to attempt to change the name of the university’s namesake. Failure to honor that oath will result in expulsion.

    You knew what it was called when you applied. There’s only about 10,000 places to apply if you don’t like it. Shithole State Community College’s Fightin’ SJWs eagerly awaits your enrollment.

  7. The leftist plan to dumb-down the population by infiltrating the education system wasn’t fast enough or thorough enough. That’s why they introduced legalization of marijuana. Now even people who don’t go to college can become stupid.

  8. The more I think about George Washington Snowflakes that would be delicious irony considering the hardships that General Washington and his men endured at Valley Forge to secure our new nation. Those men suffered unbearable cold without shelter, proper clothing and shoes.

  9. Change the name of the goddamn school to George Jefferson University, you azzwipes. While you’re at it, change the name of the city to Darktown, DC. Will that make you happy?

  10. Meanwhile there isn’t a lib run city that does not require black students to enter and sit in a building named in honor of THE most virulent racist/segregationist President since reconstruction, and possibly ever, if they want to attend public school in their own neighborhood.

    The eRepublicans are too much in bed with the Democrats to make this an issue. They have no interest in winning, if they did they would be working to damage the Democrat brand. It is handed to them daily and they fold and join the Democrats in the push toward statism. They are not our friends, they aren’t even neutral when it comes to Constititional conservatism over statism. They are progressives first, last and always. Their words are a weapon used against America, they lie to your face and then dry shave us every time the chips are down.

  11. Who the FREEP asks a college kid ANYTHING these days (other than, “Do fries come with that?” 🙄 )?! You shoulda asked the ALUMNI – and the parents who are PAYING THE FREIGHT of said know-nothing students! 😡


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