Liberal Dirtbags Protesting Trump in Michigan – IOTW Report

Liberal Dirtbags Protesting Trump in Michigan

22 Comments on Liberal Dirtbags Protesting Trump in Michigan

  1. I’ve watched several interviews that little gal from Infowars has done and she handles herself very well and is quite cute.

    The commie libtards are an embarrassment to the human race.

  2. Would it have been wrong/illegal of me, an older man, to have taken that stick that guy was threatening the viewer with and making him swallow it – or, better yet, shove it up his descending colon himself to stop the pain from the joint lock I had applied to defend myself? This is why, like gin blossom, I don’t usually go to protests.

  3. I keep wondering if I could fashion a summer weight but still long sleeve colorful knit shirt with an outer decorative strip along arms of fine metal threads of alternating + / – surfaces, to be wired to a good stun device with plenty of battery!

    Attempts at touching me or my hat might be met with a parry, which they might find “enlightening”!

    I really hate to use Anon, but I think I’d better this time!


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