Growing calls To Have Obama And Hillary Investigated – IOTW Report

Growing calls To Have Obama And Hillary Investigated

In a fascinating review of where we stand now in the investigations of the Obama Administration’s abuse of Justice and Intelligence Agency abuses, host Mark Levin interviewed real journalists John Solomon and Sara Carter last night.

About halfway through the program, Levin asked if it was time for investigators to talk with former president Obama and former secretary of state Clinton. Here

Full interview with stirring statement by Sundance, of The Conservative Treehouse, -> Here

14 Comments on Growing calls To Have Obama And Hillary Investigated

  1. Jerome Corsi was on the Dove Show this morning exposing all the gestapo tactics the FBI pulled on him trying to get him to confess to a lie. These are very dangerous times we are living in.

    (If you live on the west coast try to watch the Dove channel. Great interviews that should be on 60 minutes and the 6 o’clock news but never will.)

  2. If the FBI interviews them, any question beyond asking their name will quality them for the Scooter Libby treatment. That should be the best case scenario for them, not for deplorables. If they actually got what they deserve, they would swing by their necks from end of a rope but I’m not holding my breathe.

  3. It’s all a shame. She was pretty enough when she was young, and she was a conservative. Then she went to college and listened to the wrong people, especially Alinsky.

    She coulda been someone, coulda been a contender, but instead, she’s a bum. She’s got a one-way ticket to Old-Bagville.

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