Mark Dice – Jimmy Fallon grows a pair and finds comedy in a Beto O’Rourke spoof – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – Jimmy Fallon grows a pair and finds comedy in a Beto O’Rourke spoof

10 Comments on Mark Dice – Jimmy Fallon grows a pair and finds comedy in a Beto O’Rourke spoof

  1. Dice’s loud voice is abrasive and agitating, it will not be heard by me.
    I suppose he wishes to be known by his loud abrasive voice rather than any point he’s trying make.

  2. I like Mark Dice. His agitated voice while smiling (and almost laughing) at the same time brings home the points he is making.

    Why put him down? He is another good voice for conservatism.

  3. “They call him Pancho Rodriguez O’Malley,
    Ever since he spent a holiday in Spain
    He’s not Patrick anymore,
    Now he calls himself Senor! O’Rourkey.”

    Funny Irish song by Ruby Murray 1956 Enjoy.

  4. During one of (or maybe all of them, for all I know) Beta’s campaign flail-fests, he said that “scientists are in UNANIMOUS agreement that we’ve only got 12 years left.” Has anyone in the MSM challenged him on that? Anyone?

    It’s ridiculous and hyperbolic on it’s face, and yet he’s allowed to continue blathering on about how we’re all gonna die. In 12 years.

    This putz is dumber than the dirt he snacks on.

  5. Hey, Mark…
    I’ve seen you do your interviews on the “street” and you’re like a different person. If you yelled at people there like you do on line, they’d immediatlely tell you to fuck off. What’s your deal? Lower the voice and you’ll still get your point across. It’s sooo fucking annoying and I have to turn down your voice EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.


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