The Truth About the Wild West – IOTW Report

The Truth About the Wild West

How would you like to take a trip to the history section in the library with me and explore the American Frontier period, or what Hollywood likes to call it, “The Wild West”?

The team over here at decided to explore how Hollywood has been able to push gun control all while making millions. The short answer: distorting our favorite Western films. Hollywood has been able to make it seem like America in the old days was a chaotic period and there was no order because we didn’t have the amazing government like we do today.

In reality, the Western frontier was a far more civilized, more peaceful, and safer place than American society today. But… thanks to nearly a century’s worth of historical misinformation spread in popular culture and schools, Americans have been led to believe that the American Frontier was the most violent period in American history.

You can read the article here. 

Fun Fact: The Pentagon and Washington continually fund certain Hollywood movies to help push their agenda. 

Are you surprised?

6 Comments on The Truth About the Wild West

  1. lessons to be learned. Hollywood was just stories when i grew up. Very little reality in those westerns but it did plant the seed and the liberals watered the hell out of it.

  2. I never saw the old westerns as chaotic. What I saw was usually justice when the bad guy got his due. I also saw poor indians who never scalped or skinned a white woman, black ex-slaves who wouldn’t hurt a fly, and confederates who were more evil than Hitler. Hollywood has been propagandizing for a hundred years.


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