As Trump Threatens to Close Border, CBP Surges Agents – IOTW Report

As Trump Threatens to Close Border, CBP Surges Agents

WFB: Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen responded Monday to the surging immigration crisis at the southwestern border, ordering a stepped-up deployment of hundreds of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers.

Nielsen instructed CBP commissioner Kevin McAleenan to immediately increase the agency’s temporary reassignment of personnel to cope with the massive influx of people. Some 750 agents are expected to be redirected to border sectors facing the highest rates of entrance, and Nielsen authorized CBP to consider raising that number substantially if necessary.

Nielsen further instructed CBP to expand the Migrant Protection Protocols, which obliges it to return apprehended individuals who have entered illegally and who are seeking asylum back across the Mexican border. Those returned under the MPP then remain in Mexico while any legal determinations happen, with the goal of ensuring that individuals seeking asylum are neither detained indefinitely at DHS facilities nor released into the interior on their own recognizance.

Under Nielsen’s order, the MPPs will be expanded to cover individuals apprehended both at and between Points of Entry. They will also be used outside of California and Texas, the two states in which they are currently in operation.

“The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it,” said Nielsen. “We will not stand idly by while Congress fails to act yet again, so all options are on the table.”  read more

6 Comments on As Trump Threatens to Close Border, CBP Surges Agents

  1. Southern California is completely saturated. You never used to see lots of illegals just hanging around at strip malls or sitting on sidewalks. This sounds like the same story but it isn’t. There’s no way to absorb more people.

  2. As much as I like the hell out of PDT I want to see him more pro-active and aggressive. I know, I’ve heard it, trust the plan, and I do trust the plan. It just needs to be stepped up a little bit. Why are we tolerating a terrorist state (mexico) that is encouraging the flooding of our country with illegals? The dems are screaming for the Mueller report, give it to them, along with all the FISA documents. Why is Hillary walking free? Where the hell is RBG? I could go on and on. If we are waiting for the summer of 2020 I’ll be one mad SOB!

  3. At some point…
    Yea,at some point alot of STUFF is going to happen.
    Zombies are real and when EBT cards don’t work
    they are coming for your food.


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