David Blaine Faces Sexual Abuse Claims Stemming From the Late 90s – IOTW Report

David Blaine Faces Sexual Abuse Claims Stemming From the Late 90s

I have to admit, when I read this I chuckled.

A woman is alleging that she was made to masturbate Blaine after he ‘hypnotized’ her. One wonders why Blaine didn’t direct her to not remember the incident, or, make her think she was milking a cow.

(NEWSER) – The NYPD on Monday confirmed its Special Victims Unit is investigating magician David Blaine following complaints. The Daily Beastreferences a senior NYPD official in reporting two women gave statements to the SVU alleging sexual assault; a source says one of those alleged assaults dates to 1998.

The New York Post’s sources echo that timeline, and say the second woman’s allegations date to 1997; she claims she was made to masturbate Blaine while hypnotized, per the sources. The Post notes the statute of limitations has passed and reports the SVU division handling the complaints is the Cold Case Squad.

The Daily Beast reports it reached out to the 45-year-old magician, who had no comment but said police had not contacted him.


25 Comments on David Blaine Faces Sexual Abuse Claims Stemming From the Late 90s

  1. I wonder if she has any witnesses or other evidence to back her claim up?

    Accusations of sexual misconduct from decades ago, most are probably false, seem to be all the rage lately.

  2. I might have encouraged a jow blob as opposed to one by hand………… IF I WERE BLAINE!!!!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Looks like some aging star fuckers woke up one day in their shitty little apartments, alone, unmarried, with no skills nor prospects nor savings, and realized… “I sucked and fucked my way through my prime years for thrills and easy cash, and now I’ve got nothing to show for it.”

    Now, these worthless, bored out, derelict skanks can monetize the sluttiness of their 20s by itemizing every sexual liaison they had with anyone who is famous and monetize them by suing the celeb years after the fact to squeeze some cash out of them.

    I guarantee you that if this stupid cunt gave Blaine a hand job back when Clinton was still in the White House, it was done on a totally voluntary basis.

  4. It’s called “charm”, ma’am.

    And if an abundance of it leads to a rub and tug, well, that sounds like the evening’s affair.

    Want to see me pull a rabbit out of my pants? And for an encore, I’ll saw my arm off so as not to wake you in the morning.

  5. Seems to me that there’d be no “sexual abuse” of libtards hadn’t made promiscuous sex such a ‘thing’.

    Pick a lifetime mate. Quit screwing everything with 2 legs (guys). And (women) need to hold a damn pea between their knees.

    ….and quit killing the innocent because you’re too damn lazy to admit you’re doing it out of convenience.

  6. @petrus – DING DING DING WINNER!!!

    They showed it for several months after the original Muhammad kerfuffle, even after the South Park episode where they refused to show him but were ok with Jesus and Tom Cruise pooping on each other. But they eventually pulled it – and then months later realized he was still in the opening credits and changed them too.


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