Y’all Get A Grip. Joe Is Just A Hands-On Kind Of Guy – IOTW Report

Y’all Get A Grip. Joe Is Just A Hands-On Kind Of Guy

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Okay, y’all take deep breath and have a coke and a snickers bar or something. The Joe Biden bashing lately has been gettin’ outta hand. You people do know doctors have cracked open Joe’s head twice, and there is a rumor his hair plugs were planted way too deep. We’re lucky he even remembers to put on his pants everyday. Besides, Joe is 76 years old people. There is this thing called elderly abuse, ya know? Even the lovely Mika, from ‘Squinty & Meat Puppet in the Morning’, and the Cackling Hens of ‘The View’ agree that Joe is “Just a Hands-On Type Guy”.  MORE

6 Comments on Y’all Get A Grip. Joe Is Just A Hands-On Kind Of Guy

  1. Many Democrats look back and realize Slow Joe would have been a MUCH better candidate that Crooked Hillary.

    But now that these allegations have surfaced , his chances for 2020 are much less certain.

    and that leaves Biden-backers really…groping for answers. :O

  2. His behavior is perverted, and he’s done it in public for years, because who the hell is going to call out a Senator or the Vice President in public. This kind of ambiguous sex harassment, not to mention that he also molests children this way is disgusting.

    However, Biden has some even bigger problems. Pay-to-Play in Ukraine and China for millions, not unlike the Clinton gang.

    So… who replaces him as the white guy? Bernie? Bloomie? Buttgig?


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