“#Me Too” Milano believes in Joe Biden – IOTW Report

“#Me Too” Milano believes in Joe Biden

This #MeToo movement was always horse shit, led by the completely horse shit Alyssa Milano, a real “dumb as it gets” bint.

Wash Exam-

Milano, 46, is a staunch #MeToo activist who last year attended the Senate hearing on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in support of his accuser Christine Blasey Ford. She said she opposed his nomination because of unsubstantiated accusations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford in high school. She live-tweeted from inside the proceeding, letting her three million-plus followers know: “I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.”

This time, with Biden facing an accusation from Nevada politician Lucy Flores, Milano was more equivocal. “I respect Lucy Flores’ decision to share her story and agree with Biden that we all must pay attention to it. But, just as we must believe women that decide to come forward, we cannot assume all women’s experiences are the same,” she said in a string of tweets.



15 Comments on “#Me Too” Milano believes in Joe Biden

  1. “But, just as we must believe women that decide to come forward, we cannot assume all women’s experiences are the same,” she said in a string of tweets.”

    …so, we have to believe women, but ONLY when it’s politically convenient to do so?

  2. Yes, because an accusation without corroborating evidence but WITH other people saying the accusation is a lie must be believed…

    BUT…an accusation WITH corroborating evidence (photos, videos, witnesses) must NOT be believed.

    I think I now fully understand the “progressive” version of “justice”.

  3. I would love to see people get together and start boycotting the products or services of any company who sponsors any show she might be on in the future.
    Let her eat… cake.

  4. “… just as we must believe women that decide to come forward …”

    “Come forward?”

    What has happened to skepticism?
    What has happened to Engrish?
    What has happened to the “assumption of innocence?” (not that it really applies, but the assholes are always braying about it).
    What has happened to us that we would take advice from a complete imbecile?
    Not a concealed imbecile, either, but one who is eager to display her imbecilities?

    I just don’t get it.

    izlamo delenda est …


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