AOC to the President–> The “last guy who underestimated me lost.” – IOTW Report

AOC to the President–> The “last guy who underestimated me lost.”


Responding to fresh criticism from President Donald Trump Tuesday evening that her Green New Deal climate change proposal was “done by a young bartender,” Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told Newsweek Wednesday that the “last guy who underestimated me lost.”

“That’s all I gotta say about that,” she added.

In an unexpected upset, the freshman New York congresswoman and former bartender unseated incumbent Democratic Congressman Joseph Crowley in her 2018 primary election.

Ocasio-Cortez has faced continued criticism from Republicans and the president for her ambitious climate change proposal, which seeks to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and for the U.S. to operate on 100 percent renewable energy by mid-century—a feat critics say is unrealistic, given the time frame, in addition to overly expensive. In draft documents that were later walked by the congresswomans’s office, the plan called for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

“A young bartender, wonderful young woman, the Green New Deal. The first time I heard it, I said, ‘That’s the craziest thing,’” Trump said Tuesday evening at a fundraising dinner for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

But he told Republicans not to kill the proposal just yet.

“Don’t kill it because we want to be able to run against it,” the president said. “If they beat me with the Green New Deal, I deserve to lose.”


23 Comments on AOC to the President–> The “last guy who underestimated me lost.”

  1. Trash talking a president whose reelection will be consummated before she’s even old enough to run for the office is not really trash talking. It’s the delusional ranting of a half wit.

    They used to call Joe Biden the dumbest guy in Congress. Old Joe looks like Einstein, Hippocrates, Pythagorus and isaac Newton compared to this dimbulb who probably never balanced her cash drawer at the end of her bartender shifts. Even when everyone paid by credit card.

  2. …and the last gal politician whose acolytes fancied her the smartest woman in the world underestimated Donald Trump and got her ass handed to her……..little girl.

  3. “Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open you mouth and remove all doubt.” Someone said that or something to that effect. They also may have said, “learn from the mistakes of others. Because you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself” AOC is still in the early stages of speaking in public and keeping your foot out of your mouth at the same time.

  4. She sure beat Amazon out of settling in NYC and creating 5,000 plus jobs. She sure taught THEM!
    Oh and NYC’s unemployed. Watch out! LOL.

    Also, isn’t she in trouble for campaign finance and shit?

  5. AOC is going to revel in her notoriety as long as she has it. And why not? She is a shooting star. As long as people will give her a platform she should use it.
    And if it speeds the destruction of the Democratic Party, then more power to her.

  6. Five will get you ten, Cortez is simply the “face” of the Green New Deal. A cadre of white elitists wrote the Resolution and gave it to her to front.

    Remember, she’s a hired political actress and everything she says is scripted. She needs new writers; cow farts and a dead Roosevelt just ain’t gettin’ the job done, bitch.

    I’ll be glad when they bring the curtain down on her.

    Her arrogant ignorance is getting quite tedious.

  7. I’d say it’s a a cadre of Communists who wrote this shit simply as an excuse to suck even money out of the American economy… waaay more than their other Cloward-Piven efforts they’ve initiated to destroy America with!

  8. She beat another democrat, Joe Crowley, for the House seat. That is supposed to scare Trump?

    Analogies come to mind:

    Nazi Germany and the USSR fighting each other over Europe
    A wasp and a tarantula in a death dance
    A shootout between Billy the Kid and Dracula
    Meyer Lansky vs Bugsy Siegal
    Boston Red Sox vs the New York Yankees

    Like BFD, AOC.

  9. AOC’s an ignorant empty vessel – that’s what makes her dangerous. She’s been groomed since childhood by commie cadre, therefore, she cares nothing about the dangerous outcomes of socialist policies.

    Her overbearing, braggadocious, confrontational style is meant to intimidate, and make her enemies defensive. Fortunately, President Trump is not impressed. Ultimately, the goal is to replace established representative public policies with communist agendas.

    The only thing that can possibly curb the destruction she and her cohorts in Congress are proposing, is the idiots in her district vote her out next election. At least it will slow her down, but God help us 2024 (if eligible) and/or 2028.


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