just drinkin’ and shootin’ – IOTW Report

just drinkin’ and shootin’


ROGERS, Ark. (AP) — Two Arkansas men have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault after police say they shot each other while taking turns wearing a bulletproof vest.

The Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that 50-year-old Charles Ferris and 36-year-old Christopher Hicks were arrested Monday.

A police affidavit says the two men are neighbors and were drinking on a deck Sunday when Ferris told Hicks to shoot him with a .22-caliber rifle while Ferris wore the vest. The affidavit says the shot left a red mark on Ferris’ chest and that he was angry because it hurt.

The affidavit says Hicks then put on the vest and Ferris “unloaded the clip” into his back, causing bruises but no serious injuries.

Court records don’t list an attorney who could speak on behalf of either man.

ht: refuse/resist

24 Comments on just drinkin’ and shootin’

  1. The accusation of legal charges changes the entire meaning of being free and doing what amounts to creating memories and camaraderie.

    I personally could write a book about the misguided adventures of ‘Living Life and Being Real’.
    A story that would express the love and togetherness of four brothers where each were often challenged to display their macho superiority, tempered with the lack of distain and pain.

    It’s beyond hurtful that two brothers have since passed away.

  2. Stupid fukin’ Arkies! All of MY kinfolk back there shoot nothing but armor piercing rounds and MUCH LARGER than .22 cal. They’re probably Yankee’s that relocated to the south.

  3. Hold on now. This doesn’t appear much different from someone being charged with rape after consensual sex between two adults? Did not both voluntarily agree to the activity, and both of legal age?

  4. A police affidavit says the two men are neighbors and were drinking on a deck Sunday when Ferris told Hicks, “I can shoot this beer can off your head.”

    This is pretty much how I picture gay man’s sex.

    Eddie Murphy: “Hey Norton!”


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