The Magic Black Hat – IOTW Report

The Magic Black Hat

Do you want to cut down on waiting times at the ER? You can. There is a Magic Black Hat that will help you out–>

15 Comments on The Magic Black Hat

  1. That’s purty funny.

    True story, i went to the hospital with chest pains and trouble breathing. Turned out to be muscle issues in the end, but thank you for your concern. Anyway, when i went to the little check in station, i never even finished checking in. Within a minute if saying i had chest pains, a nurse came out to take me back.
    After the nurse grabbed my arm and started leading me back, a woman who had arrived much earlier and was waiting to be called back actually stood up and basically yelled ” Oh hell no. You fittin to takes him back and eyes been waiting all dis time up in here? I aint havin dis shit shit right here.”
    Much to my surprise, and delight, the nurse paused, turned and in a loud voice replied ” I’m so sorry ma’am, but it is hospital policy to attend to someone with a possible heart attack immediately because it could be a matter life or death. Unless you have suddenly come down with an extremely high temperature to go along with your itchy crotch, you will just have to wait to be seen” And off we went.
    I would have laughed more at the time, but i was not feeling to good.

  2. Don’t know what y’all be talkin bout – I have a staff of doctors waiting on every ache, pain, bowel movement – whatever!

    Only peasants go to ERs!

  3. Leaking “Bullet Holes” will also get you to the head of the line, provided you’re still breathing. Otherwise you by – pass the line altogether & go straight to cold storage.

  4. I’d be leery about faking additional issues, you might get more painful attention than you want. I always keep telling my self about the high-class entertainment supplied by the free freak show I see around me. And the fact that someone else has a much bigger issue than I do. I only sawed off a few fingers on my table saw, the woman next to me has multiple gunshot wounds to the head. Lucky me, I’m feeling much better.

  5. My rule for going to the ER is to eat supper (lunch) first. It takes at least 3 hours before you get admitted and put in a room.
    It helps to go to the bathroom before you leave, also.

  6. Here’s a mental exercise for next time you drive: Look around at a traffic light. How many cars do you see with a 30-day paper dealer tag? How many cars do you see with no tag at all? Most of those cars have no insurance at all, and the paper tags are a year old.

    You need to get uninsured motorist insurance if you don’t have it. Immediately. The cops are doing nothing to keep the frauds off the road.

  7. When I took a relative to the ER, the nurses at the check in marveled that my relative had such good insurance. I said, “And yet we are sitting here in the hallway for hours the same as all the uninsured illegal aliens”.

  8. Where I live in the Great White North you can sit in the waiting room for hours while the RCMP brings in some druggie and gets taken right in.

    One time on a Tuesday I was waiting and a woman came in. She had some sort of chest surgery the Friday before. She was told to go to the ER the incision started to bleed. She was bleeding. After she checked in she waited at least two hours before she was brought back.


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