America Last – IOTW Report

America Last

10 Comments on America Last

  1. The fact that scum-bag-sucking POS like Harris (and the rest of the Demonrats) no longer feel the need to hide their treasons and disdains for America is more alarming than their traitorous hatreds.
    In the past the Demonrats (and not a few RINOs) thinly veiled their hatreds and disgusts of our Constitution, our civilization, and our foundational beliefs, but, now, are completely open and proud – braying their nihilism and incipient totalitarianism (disguised under a patina of “socialism”) and rallying millions of ignorant zombies into the abyss of slavery.

    It wobbles the mind!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. little miss “heels up” harris just surpassed her Im with Wakanda comment.

    I wonder how many coyote’s she had to spread her legs for in order to get that photo op?

  3. Kalamity Harris is truly the Curry Coon in this race to make America a Third World Shithole. Even her father thinks she’s an embarrassment to her family. What happens in Tijuana should stay in Tijuana, or at least be deported back to Guatemala.

  4. “… sleeping her way to the top …”

    “Sleeping” my ass! She was bucking like a bronco!
    And the things she did with her mouth!

    Yee doggies! Took me ’round the world’ and back!

  5. ‘Kamala’ in her native tongue is defined as “shit packer”.
    The futures so bright I’m gonna wear shades,,,
    and not vote for or date this ‘thingy’.


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