Ilhan Omar wants President Trump to help free jailed muslim brotherhood activist – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar wants President Trump to help free jailed muslim brotherhood activist

DCN: File this one under chutzpah…

Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar is raising eyebrows following an appeal to President Trump to use his influence to advocate for the release of a leader of an organization that is every bit as controversial as herself.

Despite her inexperience and brief tenure in Congress, Omar has found herself embroiled in multiple mini-scandals for her incendiary comments about the powerful American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as well as Israel and Jewish people in general.

Many have called Omar’s remarks out as anti-Semitism but both her party and its leader Nancy Pelosi have defended her as well as shielded the Somali-born congresswoman from even a smidgen of accountability for her actions.

She also loathes Trump which makes her request for the leader of the free world to intervene in Egyptian state security matters by pressuring Cairo to free Hoda Abdelmonem who was arrested by authorities late last year for her “activism” on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood all the more curious.

Omar took to Twitter to make her appeal to Trump:

19 Comments on Ilhan Omar wants President Trump to help free jailed muslim brotherhood activist

  1. Hoda Abdelmonem is an Egyptian political activist, not an American.

    We need to stay out of Egyptian affairs, there is nothing good from us becoming entangled in them on behalf of any individual Egyptian activist on any side of their political system.

    Think of what we helped do to South Africa by doing the same thing there.

    If she were an American citizen in Egypt, it would be a different matter.

  2. A true narcissist lacks self awareness.
    And a true Muslim believes themselves superior to all others, in not only a spiritual sense but in an entitled sense especially.

    So she’s behaving normal. From a certain point of view

  3. LOL! That’s a big fat NO. What part of MAGA includes helping to free a jihadist to cultivate terrorism. President Trump is not the gay Islamist with a tranny wife who used to occupy the White House. Those days are over traitor.


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