New Math vs Old Math – IOTW Report

New Math vs Old Math

This is hilarious, infuriating, pathetic and sad all at once.

68 Comments on New Math vs Old Math

  1. I have fun screwing with cashiers. It a great game. For example if the total come to $11.24, hand them a twenty and let them ring it up. And then tell them, hang on, I have some change. Try it. It’s great entertainment.
    The Japanese have an interesting, but highly effective, way to teach math. They start with the answer and work backwards.

  2. So many states started to drop out of Common Core starting about five years ago. As it should be because the Federal government has no standing to tell states how to run their educational systems. I hope the rest of the states also dump Common Core.

  3. I’m a math whiz. I can’t figure out WTF is going on in the left side of the video. In my head it’s “(30 X 12) + (5 X 12) = 420 (which will make the stoners, who have no hope of ever doing math in their head, happy)”. I can do the math and come up with a pun/insult faster than a millennial can even get their hand into their pocket to grab their cell phone/calculator. All this is thanks to regular old math.

  4. ‘winkie into the toilet to piss?’
    Nah, not once, or twice,,
    Great Observation,,
    More concerned if I’m missing a mouth,,
    Some things you should keep to yourself,,

  5. So, the original equation (35×12) requires the complete breakdown of each integer to compute…but the multiplication of the subsets in the breakdown does not require further breaking-down to compute.

    Um. Ok.

  6. Complicating something that was already simple…

    And I know adults who can’t read clocks with hands.

    “I do digital…”

    And my niece told me they don’t do long division anymore.

    “Well, how do you do it?”

    “A calculator…”

    How are you ever gonna figure out if the train makes it to Mugby Junction before the Spitfire, with the 30MPH headwind and three bad sparking plugs, a defective altimeter, and a flat tire?

  7. The train crosses the equator first. Planes are worse than farting cows.

    Anyway, Mugby junction is located next to a canal that leads to a river that dumps into the ocean, so the train just takes the ocean route and gets there first while the Spitfire has to stop for refueling every 90 minutes.

    How can one lone Spitfire avoid the entire Luftwaffe? No way in hell. Meanwhile, the train, running above the ocean, is immune from German torpedoes.

    Also, those better be Casaba melons. This train is the high class inter-continental version.

  8. Just showed this to my seven year old son, that attends private school. He pointed to the R side and told me, “l do math like that.” About the L side, he said, “It doesn’t even make any sense. How come they’re making coffee?” Lol. Hopefully, there will be sufficient numbers of homeschooled and private schooled people to keep the country running when sanity completely goes out of vogue.

  9. My boy is itching to post some emojis. These are from him: 🏹💩💩👶🏼👮🏻‍♂️👮‍♂️👘🐝🦄🐍🦖🐁🐉🍣🌭🌭🥞🍟🌯🍜🍱🥥🍉🍇🍓🥝🏄🏽‍♂️🏄‍♂️🎹🚁🛳⛴🚢⚓️🚀🛸🕋💒🕍💣⚔️🗡⛏🔫🛡💉💉

  10. Cynic — exactly.

    Looks to me like this is some kind of pedantic attempt to teach stupid people — and I refer here to the majority of what comes out of teaching colleges the past two, three decades — concepts and “short cuts” that “good in math” students previously easily grasped and figured out for themselves.

    For the rest, all it’s doing is making a mess — because you can’t teach what you don’t understand. (And it’s really clear that this teaching nitwit does not understand.) Better that they go back to rote methods. Thankg I homeschooled my kids.

  11. @cynic – I must be dyslexic cuz’ I did it backward from you in my head. 12 = 10+2, so 10 x 35 = 350, 2 x 35 = 70. So 350 + 70 = 420. It’s easier for me to deal in 10s LOL.

    I worked in a lumberyard during college and all my coworkers were just amazed that I could calculate in my head the lineal footage of trim contained in bundles of 10. They would find a piece of scrap or scribble on the ticket to figure out that a bundle of 10 pieces of 16 foot long base board was 160 lineal feet. They thought I was some kind of genius math whiz LOL.

  12. I have several spare keyboards at the office – and since I’m retiring, your can have one. Whoa. That could be the prize! Be sure and show your work.

  13. shit. barack>this mofo sucks, and moo-moo>dis ho ain’t a normal ho…

    If they are the brightest… it’s time to burn down the earth.

    I wish I could think, or write like Samuel Johnson. But I think, to paraphrase Charles Gordon, I’m inclined to say, “Why don’t we kill all these motherfuckers?”

  14. Geez, when I see 35 x 12. I think slowly as
    35 x 10 = 350
    + 35 x 2 = 70.
    More often I just see & think
    350 + 70 and see 420.

    The first way providing enough time intervals for making the coffee before getting the answer. The second way, I make the coffee afterwards.

    Was this a college freshman remedial math class?

  15. Aaron, I had to search for something that looked like an integral sign. Here’s the Pop Quiz again:

    ⌠ se^x dx =

    Explain your results – and get crackin!

  16. Sadly this is exactly how my 12 year old does multiplication.

    He threw me some random numbers one day, “Daddy, what’s 396 times 45?” and I was like, “uhhhhh (in my head) I dunno like 17 thousand…uhm, just under 18 thousand.. uhh seventeen eight twenty.”

    Then he grabs paper and draws that retarded box and a bunch of numbers and tells me 5 minutes later I was right.

    What’s more sad is if he doesn’t do maths this way showing his work with the box he will be marked down for not showing work.

  17. 396×45
    add and subtract 5 from each side

    Only 1 side has a 1 so we will take it away and add it later
    400×40 = 4×4 plus the zeros = 16000
    16000 + the 1 we saved + 820 = 17820
    396×45 = 17820

  18. At least all the boys are safe from this poison.
    The droning stupidity put them all to sleep within 60 seconds.
    Now we also know why women are getting nuttier than usual.

  19. The new math totally fucked me up back in the mid 60’s but I was still able to figure out in my head that 35 times 12 equals 420. And thanks for the Tom Lehrer video, he’s as funny and relevant now as he was back in the 60’s. And the new math and common core sucks. It’s no wonder I was bored because I didn’t understand what the heck they were trying to do so I had to learn to do it on my own the old fashioned tried and true way. Algebra and geometry are still lost on me though.

  20. I learned more about math from watching the kid’s program Square One on PBS back in the early 90’s watching it with my kids. Including the rule of 9’s that any number multiplied by 9 will always be a factor of 9, 9 times 1 equals 9, 9 times 2 equals 18, 1 + 8 equals 9 and so forth, it was cool and helped simplify how I understood math. If they hadn’t fucked us over with the new math in the mid 60’s maybe I would’ve found it easier to understand. I loved Square one especially it’s math parody of Dragnet called Mathnet.

  21. had a great teach years ago who was big on shortcuts. on a prob like this, she taught to double one side while halving the other. 35 x 12 = 70 x 6 = 420. once proficient, you learn to do things like divide one side by say 5 and multiply the other side by 5. take a look at the prob. see the shortcut. do it. i could write a book about the looks i’ve gotten over the years for spitting out an answer in seconds.

  22. My 10 year old is always top of the class in math. She jumps through the hoops they set up, AFTER doing the problem the old fashioned way. My five year old is bored at school because math is too easy.

    I tutored math in college and the early childhood education majors were either hopeless or totally frustrated. The frustrated ones were the bright ones and the idiots were so Goddamned confused by everything that they couldn’t tell you if they were afoot or on horseback while supporting this shit whole heartedly.

    A good 65-70% of them were booger eating morons and that my friends is how this idiocy propagates


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