Cops Set Up Pedestrian Traps All Around the Country – IOTW Report

Cops Set Up Pedestrian Traps All Around the Country

If a pedestrian has the right of way, they should have the right of way.

Should the police be testing the public?

More traps






30 Comments on Cops Set Up Pedestrian Traps All Around the Country

  1. I was taught the bigger faster heavier thing had the right-of-way.

    Physics trumps any sign. It’s YOUR job as a pedestrian to get across the road safely.




  2. What bullshit. How about you stop shaking me down and go get some goddam uninsured motorists off the road? This kind of shit is what got the yellow vests started.

  3. I can’t imagine the damage Moo-Moo would do to my ’73 Beetle. I’d have Moo-Moo balls in my mouth from THAT collision.

    But if I survived I’d be a hero. Imagine George Slaying The Dragon… I’d be on coins, gold coins, Slaying the Moo-Moo.

  4. Who would have imagined the day would come when people think they have a God given right to simply step out without looking, or, when seeing you have stopped to turn take that opportunity to step out in front of you? I almost flattened a little rice eater who did this to me as he crossed against a no walk light. I could barely see the top of his head over my truck hood, I stopped because his girlfriend on the corner screamed. Pukes in Seattle game the system by trying to get hit so there is an insurance settlement.

  5. In the meantime….bicyclists run stop signs, use the sidewalks, zig-zag back and forth across the street……And generally piss me off with their flaky, lycra undies that distract most drivers with their offensive transgender looking panties.


    The liberals don’t like the police because they keep throwing their voters in jail.


    The Conservatives SHOULD NOT LIKE THE POLICE because it’s big bloated abusive government (remember when Conservatives hate that when liberals are in office?) and are nothing but armed collection agents to help the mayor not raise taxes but yet help balance city budgets.

    Don’t think for a MINUTE these people care for anyone’s safety. It’s a shakedown, just like:

    🔴 Speed cameras

    🔴 Speed traps

    🔴 White line cameras

    🔴 Rigging yellow lights faster to get red light runners

    🔴 Operation Piggy Bank, AKA, DUI checkpoints when budgets are a little light

    🔴 Stop and Frisk (I wonder if politicians would like being randomly stopped and frisked every 15 minutes?)

    🔴 And now watch this scam spread all across the country, walking back and forth to entrap drivers since they can’t extort them as drivers are too law-abiding for the budget.

    Don’t forget, the Ferguson, Mo police, judges, and courts got caught shaking down the citizens, and they do it all over the country, as you can see.

  7. Have thought for decades the show ‘Cops’ and now ‘Live PD’ are the best defense lawyer’s tool. Sure I laugh my ass off seeing these dinks caught on camera portending. Entertaining funny stuff for sure. They need to sue FOX and A&E for purposely using their image without consent for profit. Don’t misunderstand, Law is Law, there is this thing called the Constitution and the amendments under it.

  8. if you’re wrong. you die. if the car is wrong. you die…

    the car clearly has the right of way in all situtations no matter what the rules say…

    the rules won’t be splattered on the road. you will. yield to stuff that kills you. it’s just smart.

  9. The guy caught her on camera stepping out into the street outside of the crosswalk. He needs to give that to the local media to show the police are deliberately breaking the law in order to trap people.

  10. WTH? Are their undercover female cops too fugly to work prostitution/John detail?

    Crosswalk traps? More like plain old entrapment and a shakedown to generate revenue. Just wait until one of these “gumshoes” gets mowed down by an illegal in a sanctuary city. Its decision time, protect the illegal?

  11. Cops are Revenue Collectors.
    (who do some police work on the side)

    Once you understand that, you can die content.
    MO State Police give tickets for “1 to 5” mph over the speed limit. Now, show me a speedometer that’s that precise (accurate?). Tire wear, temperature – all kinds of shit changes the parameters. Also “improperly adjusted seat-belt” – are you kidding me? How’s a cop discern that as they pass each other at 176 feet per second? And whose car is it, anyway?

    Ahh well … gotzta has dat monies! Gotzta pays dem reparations!

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. So if I understand this right, it was a trap to catch drivers failing to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk?

    No one seemed interested in giving any of the non yielding drivers a ticket (for revenue apparently, as other posters have suggested) and I can’t even see any police vehicles or officers anywhere in site to do it.

    20+ violations simply ignored, not much of a trap IMO. Or maybe not a trap, simply some older lady trying to create a nuisance or just a bit deranged?

  13. Things I learned in life:
    a; Even if jaywalking, the pedestrian always has the right of way.
    b; As a biker….er “motorcycle enthusiast”, just cause the light is green doesn’t mean some ass won’t run their red and kill me.
    c; updated over the past 10 yrs…..people are too obsessed with their phones and not looking at whats in front of them.

  14. I started this argument 25+ years ago in the college newspaper. My argument was that I recognize the need to give pedestrians the right away. However, pedestrians need to be aware of what they’re dealing with attempting to cross traffic. I had one location in mind, it was a crossing in front of the recreational center. The speed limit on the road was 35MPH and students would pop out into the crosswalk when vehicles were 20 yards from it. The most troublesome were the the bike riders. They would be riding in the same direction as traffic, then suddenly dart into the crosswalk. I had a couple of near misses as a result, so I was trying to raise awareness. Just because pedestrians have the right away didn’t make them invincible.

    The argument fell on deaf ears. I had numerous rebuttals about how pedestrians had the right of way no matter if they were stupid.

    It was a liberal college, they all are.

    At any rate, I had another similar experience the other day. In a small downtown area, there are about 5-6 crosswalks across the main drag. Each one has a sign in the center of the crosswalk reminding drivers it is state law to stop for pedestrians. A large vehicle was in the oncoming lane, on my side of the crosswalk. Half of the crosswalk was obstructed from my view. All traffic in the oncoming lane was stopped. You can barely go down this main drag more than 5MPH. As soon as I was within 10ft of the crosswalk, 2 people popped out from behind the stopped large vehicle, LOOKING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. I had little time to react I was now halfway through the crosswalk!

    I didn’t get a ticket or anything. However, I could see the lady threw her arms up in disgust and point to the sign in the middle of the crosswalk. Like I did something wrong.

    It goes back to the same point I tried to make 25+ years ago.

    Just because you’re a pedestrian and have the right of way. YOU’RE STILL NOT INVINCIBLE and you STILL HAVE a responsibility for your OWN SAFETY!

    Say I were to have hit those two goofs the other day, who will be at fault, IMMEDIATELY?


  15. KE = 1/2 m*v^2
    Momentum = m*v
    F = m*dv/dt
    (from Odin 2013 above)
    And the vehicle has a helluva lot more mass than you – and is travelling faster – so when it imparts its Energy, Momentum, and Force into your scrawny (relatively) little body – it wins!

    “… fast movin Chevy sure make a mess of ya …”

    izlamo delenda est …


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