Casting Call Includes Message That White People Will Be Paid Less and Will Take a Mandatory Class On Anti-Racism – IOTW Report

Casting Call Includes Message That White People Will Be Paid Less and Will Take a Mandatory Class On Anti-Racism


A casting call was recently posted on Backstage, a website for actors and technicians, for a small ensemble play in New York City.

Underneath the “rehearsal” heading, the call stated that white actors who were cast in the show would participate in a mandatory “anti-racism training” session. That training session would not be mandatory for actors of other races.

Under the “compensation” heading, the call stated that actors of color would be paid more than white actors.

The original text under the “rehearsal” and “compensation” sections read:

Please note we are working on organizing a short (3 – 4 hour) anti-racism training for the creative team and ensemble in April – to help us address power dynamics and reduce harm within the creative process. This training will be open to all ensemble members and creative team members, but will be mandatory only for white ensemble/creatives.


Pays a small stipend (minimum $150) for the spring workshop period. Due to the content of this particular project, resources are being allocated in favor of POC collaborators. This means that POC artists will receive a larger stipend than the white artists working on this project.

I asked Professor John Donohue of Stanford Law the following questions, having providing him with the information from the casting call:

  1. Is it legal to pay people (actors in the cast) differently based on race?
  2. Is the mandatory “anti-racism training” only for white cast members legal?

Donohue replied, simply stating: “Not allowed under federal employment discrimination law (and presumably state anti-discrimination law as well).”


HERE is the ad. *Note that all of the racist and illegal messaging reported by the Daily Wire has been changed. (Someone got the memo that what they were doing was against the law.)

This is the writer- E. Wray

Writer states: “I am a 29-year-old white, trans, & neuro-divergent theatre artist from East Tennessee. I grew up with a super-granma who imparted me with story after story about my Appalachian ancestors. In EXCAVATION, I turn to Gigi’s stories to try to understand more about intergenerational trauma and to search for the healing potential of properly grieving what has been buried, passed down, and repeated in my family. Once I begin digging, however, I end up in a much bigger confrontation with my settler-colonizer ancestors.

“This project looks at how the stories we tell (and the stories we don’t tell) shape our understandings of ourselves and the world we live in. Working within Appalachian story-telling forms, I look at how my predominately white family has used stories to obscure our roles in the history and persistence of colonization, and to deny culpability. But I also go to these same forms, these same stories, these same practices, to ask how these traditions could be transformed and used in the service of decolonizing, and in dismantling white supremacy.

Director- Azure D. Osborne-Lee



16 Comments on Casting Call Includes Message That White People Will Be Paid Less and Will Take a Mandatory Class On Anti-Racism

  1. They’re all trannies. Just say you want trannies and be done with it. Idiots.
    Also, judging by their looks, they’re not done ‘processing’. So they don’t look like they can afford to pay anyone.

  2. That’s a sure fire way to hire top notch talent. (sarc)

    Most of these fartknocker theater grads are grateful for any part they can get. S&M is right up their poop chute so they wont feel any embarrassment for playing the role.

  3. Wonder where the financing for things like this originates.

    I find it hard to believe they’re money makers. More likely to be someones tax deduction, but I’m only speculating about that.

  4. Beyonce reportedly walked out of a meeting with Reebok….

    Because it wasn’t diverse enough….I’m so glad I wear generic

    clothing…I represent the Wal-mart Collection.

  5. If there aren’t any conservatives around to stab libs will start to stab each other. I like it when libs get stabbed by other libs. Hopefully soon there won’t be any libs standing.
    PS: “POC artists” – – POC must stand for PIECE OF CRAP.

  6. … I don’t think there’s any reason to worry about a NORMAL white person joining in something like this,@ janitor, since no normal person would DO so…

  7. Transvestites are troubled people, and need help. Legitimizing thier mental illness as a way of life gives us things like ‘michelle’ obama.

    Notice how all these sexually confused nuts are fascists. Just look at barack obama.

  8. Does the female side of the tranny get paid more than the male?

    Do women who identify as men get paid less than men who identify as women. If so, why?

    Asking for no one in particular because I don’t need any nutbags in my life.


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