AOC Breaks the Law According to the “Trump Ruling” – IOTW Report

AOC Breaks the Law According to the “Trump Ruling”

Remember when that federal judge said it was illegal for the President to block anyone on Twitter?

Well—> (via Redstate)



12 Comments on AOC Breaks the Law According to the “Trump Ruling”

  1. I find it hilarious that the judge in Trump’s case found that the public ‘had a right to interact with the president.’ As if being able to tweet to the president’s Twitter account, along with hundreds of thousands of others every single day, would mean that Trump would actually see your tweet.

  2. The President blocking someone on Twitter is illegal?

    I don’t get that at all. The judge is a crazy as a loon. It sounds about the same as not answering your phone or not opening the door when someone knocks. Illegal? Nuts!

  3. WE, as the right, need to dominate Twitter. And we do well, despite their attempt to subvert and silence us.
    It’s a battle for information. We can’t just give up.

  4. The local paper has an asshat who took it on himself to get my Facebook acct locked down. I didn’t go through the hoops to get it ulocked but after about a year it now functions again. How do I know it was he? The only reason I have is so I can click like or dislike in the comments in that paper or comment and it was after I exposed that he should disclose his membership in a club (a very secretive club that acts as a shadow government around here) that includes the local politicians he was covering that this went down.

    The club is The American Leadership Forum and he and local politicians are Senior Fellows and after I pointed out the connections their roster went behind the password protected side of their site.

    The American Leadership Forum (ALF) is a non-profit organization, national in scope, dedicated to joining and strengthening established leaders in order to serve the public good. It enhances leadership by building on the strengths of diversity and by promoting collaborative problem-solving within and among communities

  5. The Democrats are always pushing legal boundaries, and the aim is to turn America from being a People of Laws into Laws for many Peoples.
    This bucket of scum and villainy, AOC, is the new Bella Abzug. Get used to her, she’ll be around for the next 60 years unless somebody tells her to sit down, shut up, and go to hell.


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