Dead End Kids – IOTW Report

Dead End Kids

Art has always been about building upon the works of those who come before to move ahead. Popular culture today is dedicated to exploiting the past, not moving forward but staying frozen in place. Dull, repetitive and uncreative.

I’ll let Paul Joseph Watson explain Here

8 Comments on Dead End Kids

  1. The more American institutions are destroyed by the left, one by one, the easier it is to program and propagandize the dumbed down who have been created as a result. If the left runs it, education, mainstream media, Hollywood, art, social media, government, Venezuela, whatever, you can see the destruction in real time. They used to be good at music.

  2. “Music”. I can’t deal with much past SRV. Lake Street Dive did some good shit, but really music died with Dave Brubeck, Vaughan Williams, Beethoven, Holst, The Cream, Blind Faith, Derek and the Dominoes, Rory Gallagher, Robin Trower, Hendrix, and Bloomfield. And Bill Evans before he really lost his mind.

  3. since the day companies took over the recording industry there has been a battle between the ‘artist’ & the ‘outlay’ (as in: backing capital … there’s a great scene in ‘Shakespeare In Love’ where one of the actors yells at a bystander & ask who he is. he explains, “I’m the money”, so the actor acquieses to the bystander). now ‘the money’ has too much invested to leave things like creativity to the ‘artist’ … it’s the same in sports where so much money is invested in ballplayers … the slightest injury is an automatic trip to the Disabled List (or whatever they call it these days). the days of Sam Phillips & Sun Records, the Holland brothers & Gordy w/ Motown, or Tom Dowd & Muscle Shoals are sadly gone.
    today Max Martin writes practically every top song … hint: they’re all the same.
    I’ll just leave you w/ one more about repetition of chords in today’s music
    (& out of 27 #1 hits the Beatles used this 4 chord progression only once)

    & today’s dreck that passes for tv & movies! HBO had a very popular series called ‘Rome’. cancelled it after production started on the second season because set costs were too high (the producers insisted on authenticity) … screw the viewers, they’re dumb enough to pay for crap like Bill Maher

    anyone remember when tv was free? … & worth it?

  4. Hmmm … can’t argue with anything he said.
    But, have we seen this?
    The effects of WWI on music and literature?
    The effects of WWII on music and literature?
    The effects of the Peloponnesean War on … say … philosophy?
    The effects of the Thirty Years War on religious tolerance and governance in Europe?
    The effects of the Crusades on Art?

    And I’m not putting the cart before the horse, here, but wondering if music, art, and literature crashed just prior to civilizational catastrophe?
    War – Change – War – Change
    Change – War – Change – War?

    Do our hearts and minds rebel at the stultifying grotesqueries of cultural stasis brought on through affluence, apathy, and ennui – exploding into conflict, rebirth, and regeneration?
    Does our music suck because there are no longer musicians and composers or because we don’t really give a fuck?
    Do movies suck because Hollywood sucks or because there exist great masses of ignorant slobs who are willing to pay other peoples’ money to be momentarily amused?
    Like dope and alcohol … just reel from one stupor to another?

    The consequences of a cultural dead-end are infinitely more frightening than the fact of a cultural dead-end.

    Maybe this apathy and ennui explains why the Republicans, on being informed of an imbecility like the “Green New Deal” – instead of screaming “Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming is a fucking HOAX!” – send out a milk-faced hang-dog-looking asshole who proclaims: “Well, the Republicans have a plan, too.” all apologetically.

    The wealth they possess is more precious than the civilization that permitted and encouraged and enabled the amassing of that wealth – and THAT is the dead-end.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Disclaimer, I made it to about 1:40 an knew where he was going. I don’t think our culture has hit a dead end. He’s judging this on, I guess, the performing arts, for lack of a better term, creative ability. Creative ability to the main stream media, including film and music, takes a back seat TO, THE MESSAGE. This is why were still listening to the same damn music on the victrola that we were when we where kids. I now HATE Led Zepplin. I’m not kidding. The Levys broke one to many times.
    We use to have a “Progressive Rock” station here for about 6 years. Great stuff. New stuff. A very popular station. Gone.
    Lets talk about movies/TV. There’s still really good stuff out there. But you won’t find it in historically traditional places. Longmire. Awesome shit. Kevin Costner has a great new series out, Yellowstone. He couldn’t sell it to anything main stream. Probably to conservative. You’ll find that on Paramount. In short, Libtard Zombies have invaded our safe space of slamming back a beer and watching something that resembles America. I heard someone say once liberalism needs to be eradicated. Believe it. The Zombie Apocalypse is real.
    End of rant.

  6. “Creative ability to the main stream media, including film and music, takes a back seat TO, THE MESSAGE.”

    That’s exactly right. And not just to the media, but to the audience as well, the unquestioning Sponges who just swallow uncritically whatever their masters feed them.

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