Trump Admin Designates Iranian Fighting Force as Terror Group, in Global First – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Designates Iranian Fighting Force as Terror Group, in Global First


The Trump administration formally announced on Monday that it is designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC—the regime’s paramilitary fighting force—as a terrorist entity, the first such designation by the United States against a foreign country’s military, according to U.S. officials.

The designation represents the strongest salvo yet by the Trump administration to choke off Iran’s international resources and target its regional terror operations, which continue nearly unfettered in hotspots such as Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.

The IRGC and its affiliates are responsible for the deaths of more than 600 Americans and many other citizens in the region as part of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to foment unrest across the globe. The terror designation will have a wide-ranging impact on Iran as it struggles to keep its economy afloat amid a flurry of new sanctions issued by the Trump administration.

Iran has already vowed to take punitive actions against the United States as a result of the designation, which could cripple many key sectors of the Iranian economy due to the IRGC’s involvement in a range of Tehran’s business ventures.

“The Trump Administration is taking this unprecedented step as part of a broader effort to counter Iran-backed terrorism around the world,” the White House said in a fact sheet on the decision. “The Administration’s action will increase the financial pressure and isolation of Iran and deprive the regime of resources it uses for its terrorist activities.”

“The Administration’s action will increase the financial pressure and isolation of Iran and deprive the regime of resources it uses for its terrorist activities,” the White House said.

In making the decision to designate the IRGC, which has been rumored for some time, the White House considered the fighting force’s near total penetration of Iran’s society and economy. Any international government or business that is caught dealing with Iranian interests connected to the IRGC could face new sanctions.

“This action puts other governments and the private sector on notice about the nature of the IRGC, which operates front companies and institutions around the world to fund terror,” the White House said. “The profits from what appear to be legitimate business deals can end up supporting the Iranian regime’s terrorist agenda.”

“The Iranian regime employs terrorism as a central tool of its statecraft and uses the IRGC to direct and carry out its global terrorist campaign,” according to the White House. “The IRGC provides funding, equipment, training, and logistical support to terrorist groups.”

The IRGC is known to conduct operations outside of Iran’s borders, including assassination and terror plots dating back decades.  more 

15 Comments on Trump Admin Designates Iranian Fighting Force as Terror Group, in Global First

  1. A look at history proves it is the USA and CIA that are the real global terrorists. As they did to Iran is what they are now attempting to do in Venezuela. Oust Maduro to install CIA puppet Guaido. The people want Maduro and they do NOT want to be oppressed by USA run tryanny.

    The US Has Invaded 70 Nations Since 1776 –
    Make 4 July Independence From America Day
    By Dr Gideon Polya
    05 July, 2013

    “The CIA has publicly admitted for the first time that it was behind the notorious 1953 coup against Iran’s democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, in documents that also show how the British government tried to block the release of information about its own involvement in his overthrow.”

    “Mossadegh nationalized Iran’s oil as a means of obtaining what he deemed to be a fairer portion of that important asset. The nationalization law was passed unanimously by the Iranian Parliament.”
    “Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, was the leader designate selected to take power by the CIA contingent with Helms and a colleague of interesting pedigree initiating a successful coup against Mossadegh.”

  2. WIN-NING…Middle East Style.

    Now let’s get that CASH back! TAKE THEM TO THE BANK.

    Literally, Trump the person, will sue them in Brussels/Geneva.


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