Alec Baldwin says it would be “so easy” for him to beat Trump if he runs in 2020 – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin says it would be “so easy” for him to beat Trump if he runs in 2020


Alec Baldwin, the actor who is well known today for his widely ridiculed impersonation of President Trump, as well as his violent temper, is now considering a run for president.

In a Monday morning tweet, Baldwin asked his followers if they would vote for him if he decided to run for president, adding that beating President Trump would be “so easy.”


36 Comments on Alec Baldwin says it would be “so easy” for him to beat Trump if he runs in 2020

  1. Go for it Alec! the only votes you’d get are the ones that would never vote for Trump regardless of who’s running and the Presidential debates would be a epic pummeling of your inflated ego and the exposure of your deep ignorance of most thing not related to entertainment or court appearances.

  2. I play a little game. Every time one of the Baldwin boys says something iconically idiotic, I pull out my well worn copy of the the movie “Mulholland Falls” and watch Nick Nolte beat the crap out one of them. I think it is available on ROKU

  3. No cue cards in debates. President Trump would use you to mop the floors of whatever facility you were in, You lack the brain, balls, or temperament to be President; go drink yourself into a coma. You will never make it in the real world.

  4. Used to be that Liberalism was a mental disorder (h/t Michael Savage)…time to revise that to Leftism is a massive mental disorder, completely devoid of normal rational thought.

    Alec, please join the loon crowd the Dem’s are putting up…and thank you in advance for another 4 years of Trump righting the heeled-over America ship, getting us back on course from the prior narcissistic nimrods who were at the helm.

  5. And on election night 2020 he’ll have to drink so much to dull the pain of his ego’s destruction that he won’t be able to address his supporters either just like Bubba’s wife in November 2016.

  6. These people must line their walls with mirrors and pictures of themselves and play recordings of their own voices non stop.I bet he autographs his own poop and thanks himself

  7. @Top Jimmy- “The 64 dollar question is, what is America’s ‘intact stability?”

    Depends on the era…but to start for this time period; secured borders, a stable economy that removes the shackles from the economic engine that is the middle class, energy independence (knowing the energy sector is a global fungible resource but we can lead this sector), reduction of Federal overreach into peoples lives (fully outside Constitutional authority), massive deregulation, and the re-establishment of freedoms that have been incrementally whittled away over the decades by those most likely to get stuffed in lockers in Junior High because they annoyed everyone around them.

    Much of what we have seen in the last 2+ years is the concerted effort that what Trump and his team are doing is working in spades. Takes times to undo a corrupt twisted mess of the self-appointed elites who forgot they work for us.

  8. Run, Alec, run.

    You are just as immoral, unqualified, ignorant, vile, ungrateful, racist, and self-absorbed as the rest of the Democrat lot. You have name recognition, but otherwise, you are just part of the herd that should be run off a tall cliff.


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