Beto O’Rourke injects himself into Israeli elections, calls Netanyahu a ‘racist’ – IOTW Report

Beto O’Rourke injects himself into Israeli elections, calls Netanyahu a ‘racist’


Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said yesterday that the relationship between Israel and the United States “must transcend” a “prime minister who is racist.”

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is apparently a “racist” because, well, Beto says he is.

The Hill:

“The US-Israel relationship is one of the most important relationships that we have on the planet, and that relationship, if it is successful, must transcend partisanship in the United States, and it must be able to transcend a prime minister who is racist, as he warns against Arabs coming to the polls, who wants to defy any prospect for peace as he threatens to annex the West Bank, and who has sided with a far-right racist party in order to maintain his hold on power,” O’Rourke said, referring to Netanyahu seeking to form a coalition with the Otzma Yehudit party.

Netanyahu, O’Rourke said, does not represent either the best interests of the U.S.-Israel relationship or a path to peace in the region.

“We must be able to transcend his current leadership to make sure that the alliance is strong, that we continue to push for and settle for nothing less than a two-state solution, because that is the best opportunity for peace for the people of Israel and the people of Palestine,” O’Rourke said.

Music to the Palestinians’ ears.  But why is Bibi a “racist”?  Is there anything “racial” about his policies at all?

If Beto means that Bibi is “anti-Arab,” well, that’s just not true.  Netanyahu is “anti-terrorist,” for sure, and in that part of the world, Palestinian Arabs have a corner on the terrorism market.  So O’Rourke is accusing Netanyahu of being a racist by proxy. MORE

20 Comments on Beto O’Rourke injects himself into Israeli elections, calls Netanyahu a ‘racist’

  1. There’s almost too many threads on all the websites to follow this AM.

    But I do appreciate “Spastic Beto’s” comedic efforts. I just wish he stop stepping in everyone’s meals while he speaks to them.

  2. “Beto O’Rourke injects himself…”

    Stop right there. I’ll wager that’s true by itself and would explain his erratic, mumbling, arm-waving, desk-perching idiocy.

  3. any time I hear a jobless millennial use the word transcend I know we are headed for levels of stupidity Mankind should never go to…..

    I say bring on another 20 clowns like Robert Francis for the Clown car…divide and conquer has never been more appropriate.

  4. Netanyahu is as racist as you are Hispanic, Beto. Even your NPC media allies know better than to call him a racist. You’d better hope nobody asks you about Israeli politics, because you obviously know nothing about it. Barky didn’t either, and he got his bony fingers burned trying to meddle in their election. Fortunately for you, you’ll never get that chance.

  5. I keep wondering why the majority of American Jews will lockstep behind any Democrat regardless of whether they would wish Israel to just go away and die. They give them huge amounts of money, time and support while every candidate is either willfully silent on Israel or, like morons like O’Rourke spew their antisemitism out loud. Hell, even some (27%) American Blacks are starting to wake up realizing that the Democrats really haven’t been helping them all these years and are considering voting for Trump.

  6. JD, I have been calling him Beatoff Odork since he first showed up, thanks for calling him out, guess his billionaire daddy in law likes having his daughter married to an idiot, nothing too good for leftist morons.

  7. Hey Zeus !
    “Racist”, says the Irish mick named Francis, stole Beto from the brown skinned.
    Give it back, you potato eater, I’m gonna call the paddy wagon.
    Stay off the tables too, people eat there.

  8. One thing Beano knows is racism!

    As a practicing racist, he is well acquainted with the concept.
    But he throws the word around like confetti.
    Why is that?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Another entitled white man thinks the Democrat Party belongs to him.

    Jews are just always after your Lucky Charms, aren’t they Seamus O’Malley?

    Obama interfered in Israel’s elections far more than Russia ever interfered in ours.


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