Study Shows That Boys Having Sex Before Age 13 Are More Likely To Be Minorities – IOTW Report

Study Shows That Boys Having Sex Before Age 13 Are More Likely To Be Minorities


In two national surveys, investigators found that between 4% and 8% of boys reported having sex before they were 13. That number varied greatly depending on where the boys lived. In San Francisco, just 5% of boys said they had sex before 13, but in Memphis that number jumped to 25%.

Race and ethnicity also made a difference in whether or not a young person had an early sexual experience. Black males were most likely to have sex before 13, followed by Hispanic males.

As to why there are such variations in early sex rates, Lindberg said, “Adolescent males’ attitudes and values about their sexuality and masculinity are influenced by the social context of their community.


You mean “toxic masculinity” is more associated with minorities than white people?

ht/ sns


24 Comments on Study Shows That Boys Having Sex Before Age 13 Are More Likely To Be Minorities

  1. Speaking of boys in California, my 17 y/o nephew came a week for Christmas. He was bouncing around on his twinkle toes and flapping his arms and singing some gay shit one day, so I came right out in front of the whole family and said it (no one else would), “I think he likes other boys.”

    His defense, along with his mother backing him up, “I don’t know how else to act, in my school 98% of the boys are gay.”

    Right, so he knows he’s acting a faggot. But 98%? Jeepers, there is definitely something in the water.

    I expect him to be with his boyfriend next Christmas. He will be an adult and that changes things.

    But anyways, that 5% in San Fran. is likely low not just thru 13, but thru 18 y/o because they are in the closet. NOTHING about traditional relationships are taught in Calif. schools and it’s obviously damaging. Not to suggest sex at 13 is good, I’m just pointing out the faggotry instead of race.

  2. “But it’s OK because it’s mostly with their racially enlightened white wimmen teachers…”

    …you don’t know how likely that is, @RickeyG…before I yanked my then-14 year old son out of public school he was assigned to an “English” teacher (I put that in quotes because the syllabus was headlined with “Ms. Horny’s Bangin’ English Class” (No, not “Horny for real, but the “Bangin’ was hers), a young 20-something just out of college and ready to “work with” children not that much younger than her. I requested, and got, a different teacher because she seemed pretty out there to me (and because of the “Bangin’), which was probably a GOOD thing because it turned out that she was having “tutoring” sessions with only her male students at her home, sometimes 2 at a time, that apparently involved alcohol and condoms, and didn’t involve how to SPELL alcohol or condom. Thankfully, I didn’t have a dog in that hunt at this point so the school really wouldn’t say anything to ME other than the general “Dear Concerned Parents” type letter, but kids being kids they sure had some stories to share with my son, and in such detail that he scarcely would have required the “sex ed” part of the “health” class after hearing them…

    It wasn’t for that reason, but I pulled him completely shortly after that episode, and it was the BEST decision I ever made.

    Personally, I think the kids are more sexually active at an earlier age because the liberals ENCOURAGE that, and DISCOURAGE the teachings of the Lord that suggests that maybe it’s not a good idea to have random sex as soon as you can get a hard-on. Not sure I wouldn’t have stepped up my game back then too, if the CURRENT permissive atmosphere the schools teach had applied, and also if my parent’s hadn’t loved me enough to keep me in the Lord…

  3. …I suspect this is also the case at Shari’a compliant madrassas in Minnesota, Michigan, and everywhere “Obama” planted his Muslim “refugee” cancer too, but I am equally sure the Democrat’s handmaiden media will never TELL us about it…

  4. Super, all I know is that stuff didn’t go on in my day. I did have a male history teacher who married a female student right after she graduated, but that was the biggest “scandal” I ever heard of.

  5. I had a black coworker who once told me he had to pick up his grandson at the daycare center after work. I thought a second and asked him how old he was. He said he was thirty. Think about that. I had to ask him how that was possible and he told me he knocked up a girl at thirteen and his son knocked up a girl at fourteen. He thought it was funny and seemed proud of himself and his son for accomplishing the feat.

  6. A couple years ago a free range Obama daughter was walking her daughter to grade school. Mom was screaming loud enough to be heard a block away. Mom was fighting with 5th grade daughter, 10-11 years old, who wanted to keep her baby. From my limited ability to translate ebonics-niglish, it sounded like 5th grader was planning on dropping out of school, going on welfare.

  7. I remember the first time I had sex – I was maybe 12.
    And the woman who introduced me to the mysteries of paradisaical delight was Helen Thomas – around the time of the Babylonian Exile.

    Come to think of it … she was OLD then!

  8. Uncle Frank got me into a three-some with him, me, and my mother.
    Guess I was 6 or 7 at the time … kinda set the trajectory of my sex life …

    Maybe that’s why Moose and VayJay were sorta father-figures to me.

  9. Maybe it’s driven by nature’s way of survival of species. I’ve read that coyotes, as one example, are difficult to wipe out because when their population density drops, perhaps due to coyote round up hunting or other causes, they automatically start having larger litters of offspring.

    They’re killing their own in large numbers, Chicago is at record pace, and birth rates go up to replenish and expand the herd.


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