Socialist Venezuela now an exploding supernova of spreading infectious disease – IOTW Report

Socialist Venezuela now an exploding supernova of spreading infectious disease

AT: So much for all that free health care.

Now for what it looks like up close:

Socialist Venezuela is now an exploding supernova of spreading disease vectors, with its three million fleeing refugees bringing measles, malaria, diptheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, AIDS, Zika, leprosy, dengue chikungunya virus and other diseases long thought to have been eradicated in the early 20th century, with them.

What an advertisement for socialism that is.

It’s the effect of the collapse of the country’s medical system, brought on by socialism’s unsustainable economics, and Venezuela’s Maduro dictatorship (unlike a lot of starving African countries) refusing to permit any aid to enter.

Two alarming news reports (which eerily don’t intersect) have the exact same story:

First, the Washington Post, which cites an academic/NGO report just out:

Venezuela’s health system is in “utter collapse,” according to a report, including the exponential spread of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and diphtheria and “dramatic surges” in infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.

The report, to be released Thursday by Human Rights Watch and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is among the few that has sought to quantify Venezuela’s misery, as the country has ceased releasing health and nutrition data and retaliated against those who did.

Based on interviews with doctors and other health personnel in Venezuela, conducted by telephone and online; refugees in Colombia and Brazil, including health care professionals; and representatives of humanitarian and international organizations, the report concludes that the United Nations should take the lead providing aid.

Second, there’s this organic report from Bloomberg Latin America columnist Mac Margolis, which features interviews with hospital personnel and public health officials, all seeing the same nightmare on the ground:

Half a century on, Venezuela is a hothouse for malaria again, but also communicable miseries from HIV/AIDS to Zika. Forgotten diseases such as diphtheria and measles rage. Leprosy, tuberculosis and typhoid fever are back, alongside emerging mosquito-borne viruses, such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya. New HIV infections jumped 24 percent from 2010 to 2016.

Now the worst humanitarian crisis in the Americas risks becoming a hemispheric emergency, as nearly 3 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants ferry their pathogens across the continent.

Here are some particulars:

13 Comments on Socialist Venezuela now an exploding supernova of spreading infectious disease

  1. Vaccines are available against typhoid, hepatitis A and B, measles, maybe dengue.

    DDT effective in preventing mosquito-borne diseases. USA and WHO want people to suffer and die? Yes, fake news about DDT making wild birds’ eggshells thin. Nobody cares about sliced and diced bird populations from windmills anyway.

    Recently there have been typhoid outbreaks in the USA. Most of these diseases spread by the fecal-oral route and or blood.

    What, me worry?

  2. Measles, malaria, diphtheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, AIDS, Zika, leprosy, dengue chikungunya virus and other diseases, are all symptoms of Liberalism and Socialist thinking. All approved by the UN.

  3. Name one Central or South American country that isn’t rife with diseases we eradicated decades ago, or new ones we’ve never seen until their northerly march into our country.

    I guess the millions in US aid we’ve given them over the years to implement health and vaccine programs was spent on other things. Or perhaps the Clinton Global Initiative’s checks bounced.

  4. The US government is responsible for this:
    “Name one Central or South American country that isn’t rife with diseases we eradicated decades ago, or new ones we’ve never seen until their northerly march into our country.”
    Engelburka (CIA/Pentagoon?)
    These diseases have become rampant in the US by being brought in by health unvetted immigrants and illegals coming in by the thousands constantly. Also the Democrat/Commie filthy cities which are now breeding grounds for contagious diseases, such as S.F. and L.A.

    As for Venezuela news, this article and the WAPO are pure lying propaganda being put in media to convince the American public that Venezuela needs to be forcefully “rescued” as Irag and Libya were NOT. The USA terrorists have been working constantly to destroy the welfare of the Venezuelan people for years. Before the USA so vilely intervened, the Chavez government was making life very improved for the people. The only ones who didn’t like it were the powerful, wealthy who didn’t waste any compassion on the populace’s needs, or welfare. Just like here in the US. Obscene wealth is based on greed, not compassion and justice. For sure, when the USA/CIA put a puppet leader in place, the people will be sure to suffer. Media propaganda is very effective in starting wars the US government wants. And Trump is proving it to be so, as was with both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama.
    “The human cost of these US interventions has been horrendous. A major component of war- or hegemony-related deaths is represented by avoidable deaths from violently-imposed deprivation.”

    Not included on the list are the more current ones, Libya and Syria. The US is rabidly drooling for war with Iran, too. Which will be the “lucky” first–Venezuela or Iran?

  5. The headline should be :
    “Communist USA now an exploding supernova of spreading infectious disease.”
    The US government has no intention of controlling the massive influx of the diseased and criminal invaders. The laws are in place, the internment prisons are ready Rex84, and the National Guard is a legal force to use to protect our borders. Trump has legal powers, but he is just a puppet. Jared Kushner has more WH power than Trump has and is now negotiating immigration deals with corporate employers.

    11:22 AM 04/03/2019 | POLITICS

    5,600 ILLEGALS RELEASED IN THREE TEXAS TOWNS…19 With Fevers Already Treated at Local Hospital
    “April 7, 2019– Mary Greeley News – Brownsville, Texas is one of several towns in Texas that has been inundated with illegals released by the border patrol because resources are “overwhelmed and “overstretched.” It’s the plan, and it’s working. America is expected to see over 1 million illegals cross over our border in fiscal year 2019. It’s a Merkel-style “fundamental transformation” of America.”

    “The taxpayers pay for the services used by the illegals when they arrive needing food, shelter, medical care and education.”

  6. In some ways letting V. implode completely is one
    hell of a sharp stick in the eye lesson to all of
    those wannabe baby Che’s out there.
    Maduro reminds me of Hitler hiding in his Berlin bunker
    while Germany was crumbling into terrible destruction.


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