IIhan Omar calls Stephen Miller a ‘white nationalist’ – IOTW Report

IIhan Omar calls Stephen Miller a ‘white nationalist’

WaEx: Rep. IIhan Omar, D-Minn., called Stephen Miller, a close adviser to President Trump, a “white nationalist” and suggested he has embedded a racist ideology into official American public policy.

“Stephen Miller is a white nationalist,” Omar tweeted Monday. “The fact that he still has influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage.

In her tweet, Omar shared a link to a news article detailing how Miller is operating in the shadows of the West Wing as he shapes Trump’s hard-line immigration policy.

Several media outlets have been scrutinizing Miller’s role in the White House in the wake of the firing of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen andService Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles.

An increasingly influential figure in the White House since the departure of John Kelly as chief of staff, Miller pushed for the removal of Nielsen as he had been lobbying her to do more to stop an influx of migrants at the southern border.

One of Omar’s loudest critics in Congress, Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., called the freshman lawmaker out for criticizing Miller given her own statements about Jewish people.  read more

14 Comments on IIhan Omar calls Stephen Miller a ‘white nationalist’

  1. …A White guy who loves America would be a “White Nationalist” to them…make no mistake, all this Muzzie is trying to do is disrupt and damage, so her beloved beardy-boys can take over, as Mohammad commands…if HER kind don’t like him, he must be doing something RIGHT…

  2. I’m a white nationalist, a deplorable, a Trumper, a Veteran, a patriot, but I’m not a racist or a homophobe. I detest the likes of Al Sharton, and Rachel Madcow, but love Thomas Sowell and Tammy Bruce. Yeah, I’m conflicted.
    Just an example.

  3. Stephen Miller is a savant, I think. Amazing intelligence, insight and wisdom in one so relatively young. It must be very hard for him to engage in a debate or explain something to the media or a progtard.

    He was head of the campus Republicans at (Duke?, I think.)

  4. And why shouldn’t ANY American be allowed to call her


    She just insulted nearly if not ALL AMERICANS

    With a stupid ass accusation w/o proof

    Therefor ALL of us can say anything we want about her


    Goose and Gander anyone ?

  5. 🚨🚨 NIGGER 🚨🚨

    “White” and “White Nationalist” is the new “Nigger” for the party of slavery and the KKK.

    Nothing ever really changes does it?

  6. Watch Steven Miller rip the bejeassus out of Jim Acosta CNN when Acosta said “You only want English speaking people in this country, people from England and Australia.” Man what a phucking beat down. Loved it.
    You can find it.

  7. My advice is to wheel the Moslem Trojan Horses out of the US Government in all state, local, and Federal offices before they succeed in bringing America down or starting a Civil War.

    Otherwise, you’ll find Obama becomes the Ruler of Ruins.

    Don’t laugh; just trust me on this.

  8. Just when you thought the Left’s charge of “racists” had peaked, here comes a new onslaught of the “white nationalist” narrative from government officials, “watch” groups, and the Media. It’s so bizarre. It’s all a lie; there are literally like 25 identified “white nationalists” that show up whenever they gather to march…and none of them have any legislative authority or power to interfere with my life. There is no threat from the bogeyman of White Nationalism. The threat to our nation and its citizens is from Progressive/Leftists defaming and dehumanizing innocent Americans for not abiding in Leftist Orthodoxy.

    Frankly, the ease with which the Left so casually labels people as Racist and White Nationalist is terrifying to me, because they are getting away with it and there are unhinged people acting upon this narrative.


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