This Ain’t a Flat Track – Spanish Speedway Only Hires Girls With Big Tetas – IOTW Report

This Ain’t a Flat Track – Spanish Speedway Only Hires Girls With Big Tetas


A Spanish speed circuit is in hot water after an advertisement for grid girls stipulated that they “must have a size 95 or 100 chest,” which is roughly 36″ – 38″ according to La Vanguardia.

“For a car and motorcycle event we are looking for two ladies who will be available from Friday April 5 through Sunday April 7,” reads the ad. “There is a payment of €200 net, plus any additional costs. There is one requirement: you must have a chest circumference between 95 and 100 cm.”


Doesn’t Hollywood do this all the time?

ht/ js


41 Comments on This Ain’t a Flat Track – Spanish Speedway Only Hires Girls With Big Tetas

  1. I get a lot of latino tv and there are some gorgeous women with amazing bodies AND NO TATOOS. The men mostly look like hideous bums who never shave or bathe. There are also a lot of complete idiots on.

  2. Brad, FYI, years ago I developed an entire Calculus of the female breast – a separate analytic geometry of aesthetics. And there’s a whole lot more in there than division!

    Edit: Noting that for males, ugly negative numbers predominate.

  3. Seems reasonable job requirement to me.

    Would the NBA be out of line only hiring players above 6 ft tall?
    Or would that used to be nationwide professional football organization, have been penalized for only hiring defensive tackles above 270 lbs. ?
    Many jobs have educational or physical requirements to be able to do the job the company wants done.

  4. These women are for eye candy, maybe some women get all offended, this woman could care less.
    Nobody wants to look at ugly, boyish looking trophy girls and it’s just not the same unless a pretty lady with a good body and big boobies hanging out isn’t turning the winner’s face red and turning him into a stuttering idiot.

    Yes, we women might not want to look at the eye candy for men, but we laugh our ass off at the race winner turning red, stuttering and trying his damnedest not to look at the boobs out of fear of what his wife/girlfriend will do to him later if he does. lol

  5. Old Racist White Woman
    From my point a view, Metric Titties are cool and all, at the end of the day, I’m sleeping with my wife, and no one else. I’m seasoned. There’s nothing they can show me that I haven’t seen better. And I’m happy with my mate. That doesn’t mean I stop looking ya understand. I’m only a man.

  6. Brad, I’m telling you though trophy girls are entertainment to all, even the wife/girlfriend the guy doesn’t want to see him looking.

    Last year I was at a dirt race that had trophy girls and the reactions of all those in victory lane was the comedy portion of the night. From the young boys who had not even reached puberty yet who looked like they had been scarred for life when these two women kissed them on the cheek to the old man who you know had seen his fair share of boobies over the years turning as red as a lobster and trying his best to look anywhere but at the boobies, but still failing to not look.

    This old lady calls for more tracks to have trophy girls and screw all the women getting offended.


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