Dead Serious – Swalwell Seems Mildly Retarded to Me – IOTW Report

Dead Serious – Swalwell Seems Mildly Retarded to Me

I know most of the comments will be of the variety that says I’m being kind, that Swalwell is full retard. Let’s not be hyperbolic. Obviously, he’s not.

But I do get the vibe that he was left in the deep end a little too long and he was revived and the family never spoke about it to anyone.


There is something wrong with this guy.

He reminds me of Glen, from The Ringer-

His campaign video is a giant flop on YouTube. Check out the down votes.

44 Comments on Dead Serious – Swalwell Seems Mildly Retarded to Me

  1. Hah, did you see him at the gun range the other day? Now he wants to ban them all. That’s his platform. Seems to be a big disconnect in logic here in the space of two weeks.

  2. Go big. Be bold. Do good. Stal well. What a fookin’ goof!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. This guy represents the ‘hood I grew up in… Or at least a portion of it… Of course, I got sent to my Grandparents out in the rural Kali and handed a brick of .22 every summer from age 9 or so… So the BS didn’t take, and I can barely communicate with my old classmates.

    Let’s just say… There used to be a lot of Meth being cooked in what is now his district. It’s gotten somewhat gentrified, but… In this case “gentrified” means they’re now homeless, and living off stealing from the tech types that are renting their former section 8 units for $4k/mo…

  4. This is going to be a real close one for the Socialist-Demographic-Reparations Party. As I see it, Beto has the Spastics swooning; Kirsten has her finger on the Tactile voters; Petey has the white Rectum-Sex Enthusiasts cornered; Cory has the colored Rectum-Sex Enthusiasts hemmed in; Kalamity has the Curry Coons corralled; Bernie has the Socialist-Communist voters locked up; Hick has the closeted Capitalist voters; Lizzie has the Fake Injuns; Kloby has all the voters who eat with their combs; Tulsi has the Hindus; and this guy, Swalwell has the retards. This leaves all those Creepy Gropers in Joey’s column. The big unanswered question is if any one of these incredible, fabulous candidates can create a coalition out of all these really special interests? This is going to be a lot more fun than the last time, when President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton rigged her nomination.

  5. I’m sure I wouldn’t agree with his politics, (really don’t know much about the fella), but he seems like an average mild-mannered mid-western to me, at least in that video. Maybe I’m missing something.

  6. Yeah, little Ted looked like some one who just had an inch taken off of his already little 2 inch dick.

    One of the reasons I’m really gonna miss Trey Gowdy, he did not suffer fools easily.

    Nothing grinds my gears more than when intellectually bereft munchkin congress critters grandstand during these hearings. It is usually brand new wet behind the ears representatives, emboldened because their party holds the majority, who needs crib notes to formulate any cogent sentences, and always look dumb in the process. They need to be verbally put down, hard.

  7. I would add that Swallwell has a lot of Eddie Haskell traits. An overinflated sense of his intellect and his charms and a transparently conniving shitpickle. Weasely and gets exposed as a fraud in every episode.

  8. Actually, that’s the best he’s ever looked and sounded, from what I’ve seen and heard of him.
    I think I’d really like his parents. Best line of the ad, “We raised all our five kids the same and one of them turned out to be a Democrat!”

  9. I think Glen from The Ringer should run for president on the democrat ticket. It’ll help balance out the stupidity with some common sense.

    Shit, he’s already smarter than AOC.

  10. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. Why do these libidiots think it’s cool and edgy to swear?
    They jump all over Pres. Trump for saying “fake news” and then swear like they’re trying to sound every day blue collar American.
    Sorry lefties, it’s not working.

  11. “Go Big. Be Bold. Do Good…That sucks for a slogan, mom.”

    “Now Eric, the nice woman at the library explained why you can’t use “Go, Dog, Go”.

    “She needs to be nuked.”

    “Eric! Settle down this instant, or no more TV time this week!”

    “Aww, ma, it’s not fair!”

  12. Most Americans agree….who are these Americans he speaks of?

    Who the hell does he think would vote for him? Not many people in my neck of the woods who are going to vote for a guy who says he will take our guns and even folks who don’t own a gun aren’t going to vote for a guy that says if we don’t give them to him, he will nuke us.

    I’ll give the parents a clue, the only one of five children who is a democrat, just might have something to do with him being the first in his family to go to college.

  13. $100,000.00 in Student Loan Debt??. Oh my God! The thought of putting such a decision maker in charge of community decision making is like the worst decision ever.


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