Guy says he developed machine to aid men at sperm banks… sure, that’s what it’s for – IOTW Report

Guy says he developed machine to aid men at sperm banks… sure, that’s what it’s for

It costs 5 grand.

“I’m a little nervous” “No worries, just step over to the Ejaculatron 3000” “Oh yes, that’s much less awkward, thanks!”

ht/ fdr in hell

38 Comments on Guy says he developed machine to aid men at sperm banks… sure, that’s what it’s for

  1. “Open the pod bay doors HAL”.

    “I’m sorry I can’t do that Dave”

    “Well there’s five grand thrown away”

    It’s a Space Odyssey with a FREEKIN’ headache

    MSG Grumpy

  2. Actually China has a population problem
    because of long term 1 child policy.
    The screen is for porn no ?
    Why not put a silly-con mold of Stormy’s
    lips on the dam thing instead of a pig snout ?

  3. China’s problem is there are far more men than women. The one child policy made mothers abort or kill their female babies because it’s a patriarchal society – things like inheritance and status are tied to male children. Several generations of that means there ain’t no joy in Mudville – when Casey swings his bat there’s no catcher and he always strikes out, hence the vac-u-suck 2000.

    There’ll be a half dozen of these lined up in every men’s room coin-operated. The income will be huge, so to speak, and so will the outgo. The cleaners better wear hazmat gear.


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