‘Burning Man’ Attendees Called Out By Bureau of Land Management for Environmental Damage – IOTW Report

‘Burning Man’ Attendees Called Out By Bureau of Land Management for Environmental Damage

PC: Once, a lifetime ago, this author attended the Burning Man festival.

The theme of the festival that year was “The Green Man,” but I couldn’t get past the irony that the cost of the festival for its thousands of attendants was pretty, um, whatever the opposite of green is.

If you’ve never heard of Burning Man, it is an annual “art” festival held yearly in the Nevada desert where thousands of fans of trance music and hallucinogenic drugs get together to make an incredibly expensive tent city and ultimately yes, burn a giant man at the end of the week.

To get out there and stay for a week in “Black Rock City” as it is called, one must drive their fossil-fuel-powered vehicle up to the desert in Nevada, equipped with plastic water bottles, good packed in plastic, several gallons of gas to fuel generators, use the many toxic port-a-potties provided by the festival, equip oneself with lithium-powered headlamps, rig your bike with questionably environmentally friendly LED lights, restock ones cooler several times throughout the week with ice that is most certainly not frozen by eco-friendly fairy dust, and all the while to enjoy a host of giant “art installations” that are doused in gasoline and literally set on fire at the end of the week.

So in other words, people spend collectively millions on wasteful, eco-unfriendly products, burn likely millions of gallons of gas, and dance like crazed pagans around giant bonfires of carbon emissions. And the year I attended, they were calling this “green.”

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14 Comments on ‘Burning Man’ Attendees Called Out By Bureau of Land Management for Environmental Damage

  1. Oh, yeah, maybe a little bit concerned about the environment, as long as someone else is doing and paying. What draws these folks to the festival is unlimited drugs, unlimited sex, depravity, virtue signaling, bragging rights, and acceptance by thousands of irresponsible hypocritical like-thinkers supported by the democrat party.

  2. Typical of limousine liberals; they want their money to go towards what they feel like paying for, but want to socialize the costs of everything they need.

    A sister of mine is one of them. She wants her siblings to pony up to pay for her kid’s college even though she makes more money than any of us.

  3. IOTW readers generaly take pride in their ability to think outside the mainstream box. And good on them for that. Now in the case of Burning Man, the BLM has been making a HUGE amount of money off of the Burning Man event. That makes BLM a particapant in the so called “environmental damage”. There are some who think the BM organizers should take the event to some other place just to deny the BLM the cash BLM has been raking in from the event.


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