The Black Hole – IOTW Report

The Black Hole

We reported a couple of weeks ago that astronomers had captured an image of a black hole.

23 Comments on The Black Hole

  1. The Obamas are black aholes. Who needs to travel that far into space to find ’em? Plus, you’ve got Sharpton, Jackson, Lemon, Louie, Smollett, Holder, need I go on?

  2. So if I beam infrared radiation in it’s general direction, it will all disappear?


    How much money has Al Gore made off of global warming? And who’s got a few extra IOTW bucks in their pocketses?

  3. Doesnt look like it, but it is an anazing, amazing achievement.

    The thing is otherwise invisible and 93 million LIGHT YEARS away.

    Speaking of sucking black hole, AG Barr just turned one inside out and is investigating the FBI and obama.

  4. What is up with Fur repeatedly posting stories and pictures about inviting orifices? First the Swallwell 5000. Now this.

    And now the site is telling me i am prematurely posting comments. Sorry. I got a bit excited.


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