RIP Charles Van Doren – IOTW Report

RIP Charles Van Doren

As Irony Curtain said, Van Doren was the last American to recede into the woodwork in shame after being publicly humiliated. People just don’t do that anymore.

After being outed as an accomplice to cheating on the television game show Twenty One, the public really never heard from him again.

He was 93.


12 Comments on RIP Charles Van Doren

  1. Quiz Show was actually a very good movie portraying the scandal. It was released in a year (1994) with a few other movies that were also well received: The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Four Weddings and a Funeral, The Lion King, True Lies, Speed, and The Mask.

    I remember watching the Academy Awards that year with my film buddy from college in a Cancun, Mexico bar while we were vacationing. Unbelievable film year.

  2. Now for the 64 thousand dollar question…
    Who’s uglier, Michele Obama or 4 day old road kill in Arizona in July?

    Contestant, your answer please……………

    For bonus points, which one smells better?……

  3. A brazen cannot be humiliated.

    Donna Brazile, anyone?

    One must possess a sense of shame. Or pride. Or self-respect. Or something.
    Worms and rats feel no humiliation at acting worm and rat-like.

    izlamo delenda est …


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