AOC Voters May Be Among the Stupidest in the Country – IOTW Report

AOC Voters May Be Among the Stupidest in the Country


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a positive 52-33 percent favorability rating among voters of her district nearly three months into her first term in Congress, and 48 percent of all voters and 61 percent of Democrats would vote to re-elect Ocasio-Cortez in 2020 while 39 percent would prefer someone else, according to a new Siena College poll of New York CD 14 registered voters released today.

(Run-on sentence much? -bfh)

Fifty-seven percent of CD 14 voters think it was bad for New York that Amazon cancelled its plans to build a new headquarters in Queens while 32 percent say it was good for New York, and by 58-35 percent, voters in CD 14, which includes sections of both Queens and the Bronx, support Governor Cuomo’s efforts to woo Amazon to reconsider its decision.

When it comes to politics, only 25 percent of voters in Ocasio-Cortez’s district would describe themselves as a Democratic Socialist while 70 percent prefer describing themselves in ‘some other way.’ Still, overwhelming majorities are in favor of Medicare for all, free tuition at public universities across the country, a federal guarantee of a job that pays a living wage, banning assault weapons and taxing incomes above $10 million at rates of 60 percent or more. The Green New Deal garners the support of 41 percent of Ocasio-Cortez’s constituents with 20 opposed and 38 percent indicating that they don’t know enough about it.


I’m not a democratic socialist, but I support an agenda to the left of Trotsky.

These people are truly SToooooo  Pedddddd.

16 Comments on AOC Voters May Be Among the Stupidest in the Country

  1. AOC Voters May Be Among the Stupidest in the Country?

    How then does that explain Omar Pyle, Maxine “Aunt Esther” Waters, Nancy P. Lousy, Schmucky Schumer, Crazy Macie, Kamel-Toe Harris, and all the rest?

  2. She has the pulse of her constituencies, isn’t this what representative government is all about?

    Transplant her to the Bay Area, Seattle, Cambridge, or a dozen other socialist enclaves and she would be just as popular.

    What she is peddling is very attractive to young people, free stuff with the evil rich paying for it. The scary part is that if the proponent of this junk was a bit smarter, more articulate, more thoughtful in her exchanges, it would really catch on.

  3. “Transplant her to the Bay Area, Seattle, Cambridge, or a dozen other socialist enclaves and she would be just as popular.” -Rich Taylor

    And those “enclaves” aren’t getting any smaller. Progressivism is like a antibiotic-immune super bug (which are also spreading).

  4. With her promising all these “Freebies”, maybe all the males in her district are hoping she’ll go door – to – door, mix them a “Free Drink” & give them a “Free Hump”. The same goes for the females that want to “Freak” with her.

  5. ‘Progressivism is like a antibiotic-immune super bug (which are also spreading).”

    Jimmy, it really is a symptom of our decaying society. Situational ethics, a victim-hood mentality where you are owed free healthcare/housing/free education/and a living wage, the inherent unfairness of income inequality that fosters class warfare, a doomsday scenario where the lie that our planet’s expiration date is fast approaching (12 years), then factor in a dying work ethic and the notion that America never really was great to begin with, all this paints a bleak picture of our certain demise.

  6. “… all this paints a bleak picture of our certain demise.”

    Rich Taylor,

    I figure that, one way or another, the State of Washington is gonna blow eventually.

    Picture the next economic crisis (202?) combined with one or more of the following (just our bad luck):

    (1) 9.0 Cascadia subduction zone earthquake (due any time).

    (2) 7.5 Seattle Fault earthquake (could be caused by #1 – Seattle’s industrial areas are built on silt that liquefies).

    (3) Tsunamis from the above (a matter of record, even in our lakes!).

    (4) Volcanic eruption.

    (5) Massive forest fires in Western Washington similar to California. The probability of this one is increasing every year.

    In other words, now that I’m retiring, where do I move to? I’m about to take a drive and go exploring…

  7. Maybe chemicals added to the drinking water really is something we should investigate (sarc).

    The Stooooo peddddd seems to be centrally concentrated in urban areas

  8. Really – I mean REALLY – hard to pick out the stupidest voters.

    “Stupidity of stupidities! All is stupidity!”
    (apologies to Ecclesiastes)

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Every time I look at that picture of her, I think she must be making sounds like a sick mule.

    Or maybe “A-Yuh, A-yuh”.

    Or maybe “Nyuk, Nyuk”.

    Those teeth, those eyes, that nose. She’s a monstrosity.


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