Assange In UK Custody, Awaiting Extradition To U.S.A. – IOTW Report

Assange In UK Custody, Awaiting Extradition To U.S.A.

Fox News

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by British police Thursday moments after Ecuador announced it withdrew his asylum for “repeatedly violating international conventions and protocol.”

Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno described the decision to withdraw Assange’s asylum as a “sovereign decision” because of his alleged repeated violations. More

36 Comments on Assange In UK Custody, Awaiting Extradition To U.S.A.

  1. The libs might be cheering this now, but if he gets a chance to tell his story about how he got the DNC/Podesta emails they will be singing a different tune. The Deep State will not want him talking.

  2. joe6pak, he’s never going to get that chance. He’s been charged with one piddling count of “Conspiracy to Commit Computer Intrusion” in a case which has nothing to do with the Mueller witch hunt. The Deepers got burned by the discovery process in the Concord Management case, and they are not going to let it happen again.

    And again, I ask: Isn’t it strange how Assange got nabbed right after Mueller turned in his report? If they had really wanted to hear what Assange had to say about leaks, hacks and Russia, they could have picked him up two years ago.

  3. As I understand it people who were working for us in places like Afghanistan had their names released by this steaming pile of excrement and then were murdered.

    If that is true, if any US assets were murdered as a of Wikileaks then get all of our questions answered as to who leaked what when, try him and when found guilty put Asange’s back against a wall and shoot the S.O.B.

  4. My understanding is Ecuador’s new president insisted that Assange follow the rules and be a good guest, he violated them and gave the embassy every justification needed to put him on the street.

    They’re saying he’s facing a bail jumping charge in Britain first, but we’re in line to bring him back to the States to face justice.

  5. From D.R. : “Wikileaks ‘Insurance’ files apparently have been released- 520GB so far today.
    Keycode for access has not been released.

    Do you have a link or source for this?

  6. I still can’t figure out whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy. All I know is he helped keep Hillary out of the White House and for that, I’m a grateful supporter.

  7. I like him and I don’t like him. I have a big problem with his working with bradley (chelsea) manning.
    It was an indiscriminate dumping of files just because he was pissed off at the military. Self serving. Yet, his ass is skipping around outside wearing tube tops and painting his face with Skittles and spit, while Assange is trying to cover his own asshole under guard.

  8. The timing is interesting, isn’t it?

    Especially after how the Democrats reacted to yesterday’s statement by AG Barr.

    If it’s a classic Deep State distraction (of large magnitude!), I doubt it will have the intended effect.

    If it’s not that, and in any case, I’ll wait and see. Are the gloves coming off this administration? Remember, the whole Assange business predates Trump.

    (Oh, and to those Jimmy-needling cynics out there, cram it.)

  9. I’m not sure about timing, whether this was a plan or what all I know is that without Assange it’s likely that Clinton would be in the WH today. Maybe some of the stuff he dumped he shouldn’t have but the other docs are the only trails into the Deep State, the Clinton corruption, Obama meddling and all the other crimes that the left has attempted and in more then one case succeeded. I hope the US attorney recognizes that the charge of helping Manning crack a password (how the hell does he do that) is not a grave charge.

  10. Well, Bradley/Chelsea Manning got off with a slap on the wrist, so if Julian is smart, he will come out as a transitioning tranny. Notwithstanding the whole Pam Anderson issue.

  11. @MJA April 11, 2019 at 3:24 pm

    > It was an indiscriminate dumping of files just because he was pissed off at the military.

    There would have been nothing to “dump” if pols and patriots had not been, quite explicitly, lying to the American people.

    (But, cue the music: That’s what republics are for…)

  12. I think I have a love-hate thing for Julian Assange. He helped keep that witch out of our White House, and that’s always an awesome thing. Plus he’s Australian, so that gets him a few extra points. Not American, but still cool.

    Besides, that freak show Manning is American and I can’t stand him.

  13. @scr_north: “…I hope the US attorney recognizes that the charge of helping Manning crack a password (how the hell does he do that) is not a grave charge.”

    he did not collude/help with manning to obtain those files. manning had access through his position in the military. Assange merely received them. Journalists do that all the time with information. Perhaps some of that information should not have been published, but Assange had nothing to do with taking it from the original source computers. He didn’t plan it and he didn’t do it, nor did he help. He did publish it after it was provided to him. If that is to be his only charge, he has a pretty good defense.

    Lowell- I’ve tried twice to send the links to the encrypted files, but they won’t appear here. (I’m sure I’m on a list somewhere now) I have to go out for a couple of hours, but when I get back later, and if they haven’t appeared here, I’ll post them somewhere else and put a link to that in this thread.

  14. @Diane Reynolds; Hi Diane. This was on Foxnews:

    “WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was charged Thursday with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for aiding Chelsea Manning in the cracking of a password to a classified U.S. government computer in 2010, the U.S. Justice Department announced hours after Assange’s arrest in London.”

    Nothing about receiving documents, at least at this time.

  15. To all those who have a love-hate thing for Julian Assange, didja really expect a computer hacker to be a saint? My only thought is that it’s a shame some of our “investigative reporters” don’t have half the gumption to find the Truth! Sometimes it takes an asshole to upset the apple cart.

  16. @scr_north: “Nothing about receiving documents, at least at this time.”

    I realize that. I was pointing out that he is charged with helping manning to steal the documents.
    While I am certainly not a lawyer, I think they call that ‘a priori.’ That would be very hard to prove, and he claims he did not do that, nor does he do such, generally. He describes himself as a publisher, and admits to publishing what was given to, or ‘received’ by him from manning, if he even did know at the time who was giving it to him. That would be ‘posteriori.’ I don’t understand why he was charged as the msm reports, as they will have a very weak case against him, in my opinion.

  17. Lowell-
    These are the files that are decrypted, thus far:
    (that site is _very_ busy right now, so you may get dropped, but try again)

    The rest of the files will probably be made available, and are sitting in a Torrent site. Probably, because they are where they are, that is why the links can’t be posted here.

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