Study Finds “Showy Males” Have Smaller… – IOTW Report

Study Finds “Showy Males” Have Smaller…

Clash Daily

Researchers from the University of Western Australia and the University of Zurich have found that male primates can either be ‘well adorned or well-endowed – but not both’.

The study, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B by evolutionary biologists, looked at primates and found that the more ‘showy’ they were, the smaller their testicles were likely to be.

A press release from the University of Zurich said: “To maximize their chances of passing on their genes, males of many primate species invest heavily in various sexual traits, such as a large body size, or long canines that can serve as weapons in direct contests over mates. What’s more, showy sexual ornaments such as manes, beards, fleshy swellings, and colourful skin patches can help them intimidate rivals and woo females.

“And if males can’t keep other males off their females, they will try to outcompete them at the level of sperm. By swamping the sperm of others, they can increase their chances of fertilization. But producing a lot of sperm requires large testicles.”

ht/ GoBGJG

24 Comments on Study Finds “Showy Males” Have Smaller…

  1. “…showy sexual ornaments such as manes, beards, fleshy swellings, and colourful skin patches can help them intimidate rivals and woo females.”

    So that’s what females are interested in. Man, have I had it wrong all these years!

  2. Well, how about that.
    During nearly three decades of high-n-tites for Uncle Sam, I always wondered why, 9mo after my return from each ‘exotic excursion’, our progeny expanded by one or two kiddos. Who knew!

    Full Disclosure: Now that I’m all grandfatherly, I am fully bearded and abundantly coiffed. Having a thoroughly scientific mind, I wonder if I should put this theory through rigorous field trials…hmmm…


  3. I think one of the more pertinent comments I read from the article?

    “Tell that to your average Harley rider that…” in so many words…

    And I just so happened to shave off the face grub recently…

    Thanks DrT…thought the gang would get a kick in the balls…

    Reason I posted to IOTW is because here in this area the full bearded soy types dominate! Big Beards and SMALL….arms.


  4. coulda saved y’all a couple of mill w/ this ‘study’ … knew this in the 6th grade

    natural confidence is an absolute stem-winding bitch to those that lack it … always trying to insert ones ‘boyhood’ into the equation to make up for nature’s cruel selection

    civilization eventually renders the natural selection of alpha males mute

    … to the eventual detriment, struggle & collapse of ordered society

    (the first caveman that listened to the first cavewoman about which curtains would look best in the cave should have been summarily sacrificed to the Gods of the Copybook Headings)

  5. Where’s the study that documents these kind of studies waste a lot of money. The weirder and more sex oriented the study the more money that is flushed down the drain.

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