Conference on Gaza at UNC Descends into Jew Hatefest – IOTW Report

Conference on Gaza at UNC Descends into Jew Hatefest

9 Comments on Conference on Gaza at UNC Descends into Jew Hatefest

  1. It is hard to descend into anything when you are already plumbing the depths of depravity. Anti Semitism was a way of life among the left when I was in college and that was two decades ago.

    Anti Semitism was the common thread that was woven through the panoply of various groups of malicious maladjusted malcontents that made up the Democrat coalition.

  2. The Gaza Strip could have looked like the French Rivera with all the billion of dollars given to the Palestinians over the years. Instead it is an overcrowded slum run by foreign controlled terrorists.

    Sadly, the only solution is to take over the place, whack all the terrorists and anyone who looks sideways, and compel them to live in a civil society. Of course, if you rebuilt the place into a seaside resort, they would turn the place back into a shit hole if left to their own devices. Sometimes self-determination doesn’t work.

  3. People are so gullible that they fall for whatever some thug tells them. The arabs behind this are no different than Che, Castro, south American drug cartels or any other tyrant in history.
    The innovations in technology and medicine by Israel are being ignored and banned. How many arabs have been saved by Israeli doctors? How many Israelis have been saved by arab doctors?
    Get the damn arabs out of our schools and out of our governments.

  4. The video finally loaded. Par for the Leftist course. They don’t have any issues with siding with orthodox Muslim terrorists, and hating the Jews while doing so is an added bonus.

    Most Leftists are the most hate filled and intolerant people you will ever meet. They are completely devoid of self-awareness of their bigotry.

    Whoever is responsible for this Klan gathering needs to be called to account and fired.

  5. Oh great, Duke and UNC solving the world’s problems. I guarantee any student attending this hatefest is in debt up to their eyeballs in student loans, will graduate with a degree in gender studies, and their job opportunities limited to community organizer/activist.

    Do these brainiacs think AIPAC is the only org or foreign agent with sway over our govt? Check out your rep/sen/lobbyists and you’ll see who controls who.

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