WH proposed releasing ICE detainees in sanctuary cities – IOTW Report

WH proposed releasing ICE detainees in sanctuary cities

Why would this outrage anyone except the people who do not want illegals in the United States?


20 Comments on WH proposed releasing ICE detainees in sanctuary cities

  1. Bring them right to NYC. They have the resources and money to carry them. The rest of the cities are struggling to care for their own. Free everything in NYC, via more taxes.

  2. Because leftists are the most racist, misogynistic and vile misanthropes that the world has ever encountered.

    Don’t believe me? Ask any leftist at any time to make good on their virtue signal. It will never happen!

    Oh, I’d take an illegal or two into my home. But just not right now, I have to go on a trip next week.

  3. Not only that but let them out right in front of the Governor’s Mansion with a detailed map to every elected officials home with the notation that they will house you for free, no work required!

  4. Why all the outrage from the Left? Wasn’t dumping “refugees” in the United States of America the plan, especially sanctuary cities? What’s the problem? Ohhh, right. The Left want hordes of illegals inhabiting any area they don’t reside in. The elitist Left are hypocritical to the max.

  5. Pelosi critical of the idea – what a surprise.
    “Illegals for thee, but not for me(except for critical domestic, agricultural, and gardening ‘dirty’ work, of course).
    Funny thing is, the left doesn’t give a shit about these people any more than they do American citizens; they’re simply easier to exploit than those of us who have educate ourselves.

  6. 99th Squad Leader …thank you I was waiting for this. The press never mentioned obutthole was dumping illegals all over red states. That’s where the outrage should have been. Hypocrisy so thick you can cut it with a knife.

  7. NOT just in their districts though. I want them RELEASED right in FRONT of their HOUSES about 10,000 a day FOR A START. Both Pelosi and Schumer should get 10,000 immigrants a day until this emergency ends dropped right on their front steps and since they don’t believe in walls knock holes in their walls and tell the immigrants the property is theirs to do with what they want.

  8. Do it! Do it!

    Stop the bus in front of Pelosi’s house and drop them off by the hundreds.

    They wanted them. They said they welcomed them. Shove them up their asses.


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