Comey Confusion Continues: Has “No Idea” What Barr Meant on Spying Claims – IOTW Report

Comey Confusion Continues: Has “No Idea” What Barr Meant on Spying Claims

Dan Bongino: Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey seems perpetually confused with Attorney General William Barr these days.

First, he was confused by the attorney general’s summary report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings.

Now, he just cannot wrap his head around why Barr would ever say that spying occurred on the Trump campaign.

“I have no idea what he’s talking about so it’s hard for me to comment,” Comey said at a Hewlett Foundation conference, according to the Hill.  MORE

11 Comments on Comey Confusion Continues: Has “No Idea” What Barr Meant on Spying Claims

  1. “I have no idea.”

    “See there? I said right there I had no idea.”

    “I’ve already explained to you that I had no idea.”

    “Why should I have had an idea, when I’ve already told you I didn’t have any idea?”

    “Are you saying I’m lying?”

    “How could I be lying if I had no idea that I already told you about?”


  2. This is the same guy who said “I don’t recall” and “I don’t know” a hundred times in Congressional testimony, so no surprise that he can’t figure this out either. Hopefully, his defense attorney can explain it to him.

  3. James Comey is a 1985 graduate of the University of Chicago Law School. Hopefully, the former US Attorney for the SDNY, and Deputy US Attorney General , as well as the Director of the FBI will be less confused before too much longer, when his brace of very expensive defense attorneys explain that spying on a candidate for the highest office in this country for the other political party is against the law. How is Illegal spying any different from illegal surveillance, Mr. Comey?

  4. As the great President Ronald Reagan so aptly stated, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so”.

    I dated an FBI agent long enough to know they’re a different animal, but Comey is on a different level. The psychopathy between he and Hoover should be carefully studied in order to weed out like minded candidates for our intel agencies.

  5. Never forget 2 things:

    1. the immoral leftist promoting Comey to Sr. Exec at DOJ 14 years ago.
    2. Comey loudly reminded us that he was a Republican for over a yer. The last year loudly said he was leaving the party!~

    The “leaders” of the GOP have been liberal/progressives for 30 years. Some “D” are conservative; some “R” are also conservative.

  6. I once talked to lawyer who claimed that a certain contract we were discussing wasn’t actually a contract, it was just a written agreement.

    Spying? Nooooooo… We were just secretly surveilling their activities.

    Hahahahahahaha!!!! Lawyers. They play with you.


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