The Pacifist Gentle Victimized Left Strikes Again With Violence – IOTW Report

The Pacifist Gentle Victimized Left Strikes Again With Violence

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10 Comments on The Pacifist Gentle Victimized Left Strikes Again With Violence

  1. and Yuri said the brainwashing was
    irreversible… Shut down these tax payer
    funded commie kindergartens.Every last one of them.
    Only STEM college and trade schools.You say men
    and women are different ??? Well I am going to
    shoot some unknown liquid into both your eyeballs
    and burn them the %UCK out !!!

  2. I so much want to comment here, but it would unwise to do so. All I can say is that to handcuff such a person should have taken ten seconds. Max.
    I could rail on about scaredy-cat cops executing scaredy-cat policy from leftist administrators living vicariously through the spoiled children they engineered and strut about because they know there is no punishment for bad behavior

    Did i say I wouldn’t comment?
    Nuts. Sorry.

  3. The cops first stated it was bleach then changed their story to it “merely smelled like bleach”. Right. Knowles ought to get a lawyer and show up unannounced demanding a sample of the liquid as well as the supersoaker for an independent test. I trust most PD’s but St. Louis on the Mizzou campus not so sure.


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