Flat Broke & Busted: German Wind Turbine Maker Senvion’s Spectacular Financial Collapse – IOTW Report

Flat Broke & Busted: German Wind Turbine Maker Senvion’s Spectacular Financial Collapse

Leftards are not what you call “financial wizards.” They know one thing- OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY.

They think wind is a miracle source of energy, better than fossil fuels, not realizing that without our tax money being funneled into the idiotic idea, electric bills would go up 1000% just to recoup on the investment. And we wouldn’t have enough energy to keep the grid going anyway.


Cut the subsidies and the wind industry would disappear in a heartbeat. The business model (read ‘colossal government mandated scam’) has all the hallmarks of an enormous Ponzi scheme – the wind industry’s demise is a matter of when, not if. The withdrawal of subsidies across Europe has taken its toll, as the number of new turbines erected plummets. Twelve countries in the European Union (EU) failed to install “a single wind turbine” last year.

Saddled with debt and peddling the world’s worst wind turbines hasn’t helped German turbine maker Senvion, either.

Its parent, the Indian outfit Suzlon suffered India’s biggest convertible-bond default in 2012 – was seriously struggling then and isn’t in any better shape now – even a name change to “Senvion” didn’t help.


13 Comments on Flat Broke & Busted: German Wind Turbine Maker Senvion’s Spectacular Financial Collapse

  1. Any business that requires subsidies is a poor model….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I can solve this wind power battery problem right now with current tech.

    First manufacture a rubber band about a mile long and attach one end to the back of a Wind Turbine and the other to a huge steel pole buried in concrete about 3/4 of a mile from the turbine. At night when the wind blows but the power is not needed throw a switch that attaches the end of the elastic to the propeller shaft and start twisting the elastic band. Do this all night until the elastic is off the ground and stretched tighter then Pelosi’s forehead after botox. Now when the wind dies you can reverse the props and allow the elastic to spin the propeller thus creating energy for the consumer. Think of the balsawood airplane kits you had as a kid.

    You’re welcome. Now where to I pick up my government grant and subsidy cash and Nobel Prize.

  3. It requires energy to make steel, aluminum, fiberglass, cement, copper, etc. It requires energy to transport, erect, maintain and ultimately dismantle the turbines. Each one is a huge negative energy sink.

  4. scr_north

    Why would you reverse the blades? If transferring the energy back into wind isn’t the intention, one should just disengage the blade drive and let the stored kinetic energy go directly to the dyno.

    The only question is if the dyno makes energy in reverse thus needing no adjustment other than disengaging the blades and letting her rip in reverse.

    Given the bar for previous prizes, you should be a shoo-in for an award on something that won’t work. It would be Obama-class level (which is no-class) and entirely dependent on you saying you support globalism and F’ America.

  5. They are thicker than thieving politicians where I live. Ugly and many not 3 years old already quit working. The transmission lines are a blight on the landscape also. No subsidy=no windmills.

  6. Follow the money and see all the leftists who got rich from the scam.

    Same with the trillions of US money obama handed out to his leftist and muslim handlers.


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