Pelosi Speaks Truth to Low Brainpower – IOTW Report

Pelosi Speaks Truth to Low Brainpower

Pelosi slams AOC again, saying a glass of water with a D next to it could win an election in her district.

ht/ hot salsa

15 Comments on Pelosi Speaks Truth to Low Brainpower

  1. “Pelosi slams AOC again, saying a glass of water with a D next to it could win an election in her district.”

    …and this is a very rare example of a Democrat actually being TRUTHFUL, which makes me that much more sad because it IS true, and – worse – that it is true in more places than I like to think about, not just HER district, but NATIONWIDE…

  2. She wasn’t slamming AOC…. she was slamming those “Solid Democrats” in her district. Again insulting their constituents – a Deplorables moment… they have learned nothing.

  3. Well at least the glass of water serves a necessary and useful purpose.

    I’ve yet to discover any good purpose a Demonrat serves.

    Also, the common glass of room temperature water has a higher IQ than most Demonrats. At least that was Nancy’s real point I believe.


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