Meet the Abortionist From the “Unplanned” Movie Who is Now Pro-Life – IOTW Report

Meet the Abortionist From the “Unplanned” Movie Who is Now Pro-Life


Fulton Sheen famously called Holy Week “the week that changed the world.”

Holy Week holds special significance in the struggle to end abortion.

The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are felt and reflected upon outside of an abortion facility. Few can understand this better than Dr. Anthony Levatino.

Dr. Levatino had performed 1,200 abortions–including late-term abortions–before a life-changing tragedy struck, awakening him to the value of human life.

In Unplanned, Dr. Levatino plays his former self as the abortionist. He recently asked to visit our headquarters–the now closed Planned Parenthood depicted in the movie. In this powerful video, I interview Dr. Levatino in the building where the abortion in Unplanned took place. He discusses his conversion, the movie, and your impact on the sidewalk.

The pro-life movement is a movement of converts. And the miraculous conversions of Dr. Levatino, Abby Johnson, and so many other abortion workers and supporters are proof that–even after 60 million abortions–Easter Morning is coming.  watch


h/t Aunt Liz.

3 Comments on Meet the Abortionist From the “Unplanned” Movie Who is Now Pro-Life

  1. Dr. Levatino plays his former self as the abortionist.
    Dr. Levatino had performed 1,200 abortions–including late-term abortions–before a life-changing offer to have his genitals pounded flat with a Stanley 20 oz hammer, removed with a Dremel 4000 or plead guilty to being a murdering POS.
    Now he’s a ‘star’.
    If only the dead could speak,,
    no offense,,

  2. This s a testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit and the kindness and the mercy of God. Jesus died for this man, just as he did for me. Thank you Father that no matter if we choose to ascend to the heavens, or we make our bed in hell, You do not leave us and You are faithful to forgive. You are so beautiful and gentle and kind. All praise, honor and glory to You alone!


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