McConnell Campaign Site’s 404 Error Page Features Image of Merrick Garland – IOTW Report

McConnell Campaign Site’s 404 Error Page Features Image of Merrick Garland



WFB: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R., Ky.) official campaign website has an error page that features the image of the Supreme Court nominee who wasn’t, Merrick Garland.

Anyone who heads to but types in a faulty URL will be greeted with a blue photo of Garland when he was nominated for the Supreme Court in 2016, with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden flanking him at the White House.

“Oops, this page doesn’t exist. But just in case, go donate and make sure it doesn’t come back,” the text reads.

It’s a clear wink at the infuriated critics who don’t forgive McConnell for not giving a hearing or vote to Garland, citing the “Biden rule” of not voting on a Supreme Court pick during an election year.

5 Comments on McConnell Campaign Site’s 404 Error Page Features Image of Merrick Garland

  1. Mcconnell is busy hiding, when Trump,and some conservatives take the fight to the left.

    We see how great things have changed since mccain died. Imagine if we got rid of mcconnell, and discovered other Graham 2.0s.


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