The Collusion/Obstruction Narrative Just Won’t Die | Mueller Is Risen! – IOTW Report

The Collusion/Obstruction Narrative Just Won’t Die | Mueller Is Risen!

Post-Report Release, the Collusion/Obstruction Narrative Just Won’t Die | Mueller Is Risen!



14 Comments on The Collusion/Obstruction Narrative Just Won’t Die | Mueller Is Risen!

  1. It isn’t just Trump the Left hates and fears, it’s everyone that he represents and gives at least some political power and representation to, power and representation in government they have been almost totally denied for decades.

    That includes you and me if you’re counted among his supporters.

    They must destroy us now, it’s a war and they can’t chance letting it end in anything except a total defeat of our side we can never recover from.

  2. They’re probably already working on a movie based on the Russia Dossier…or “based on actual events”, as they would say.

    And no, Alec, you don’t get the part. You’re the worst Trump ever.

  3. The only thing that’s going to stop this is for a few indictments for leaking to come down — quickly!

    And then a continual drip-drip rollout of more indictments for this and other corruption.

    This needs to start immediately on the simplest clear-cut cases and lower-level people so that the sqawking and yakking and finger-pointing against each other can commence.

  4. What else they got?

    Seriously? Socialism’s a bust – throughout time and space – it always devolves to murder, terror, rape, deprivation, famine, pestilence, and death (sometimes the imbecilities last longer, sometimes shorter – see Sweden, England, Cuba, Poland, &c.).

    The nihilistic socialists are selling hate, envy, oppression, foreign invasion, and a rigidly stratified social system – with the old white socialists at the top and the white male non-socialists at the bottom (provided they’re allowed to live) with everybody else distributed (on the basis of race, social “utility,” birth, class, and vocation) between.

    It’s a tough sell.
    Except to that vast mass of trembling slaves who fear Freedom and Responsibility.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “Could someone please finish shoving Mitt Romney’s head up his ass, please? Thanks.”

    Mitt: “I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens…”

    How do you do, my fellow citizens? What a f–king poser.

    I’m beginning to think he gave Joe Soptic’s wife cancer. And maybe we need a good, woke revisit of that high school bullying he did.


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