Brothers Accused of Attacking Smollett Sue Actor’s Attorney for Defamation – IOTW Report

Brothers Accused of Attacking Smollett Sue Actor’s Attorney for Defamation

Dan Bongino: The Nigerian brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett case have filed a defamation lawsuit against the actor’s attorney, Mark Geragos.

According to Fox News, Abel and Ola Osundairo’s suit “alleges that Geragos and his firm continued to say publicly in widely reported statements that the brothers ‘led a criminally homophobic, racist and violent attack against Mr. Smollett,’ even though they knew that wasn’t true.”

The brothers released a statement through their attorneys slamming the lies they say are destroying their character and reputation.

“We have sat back and watched lie after lie being fabricated about us in the media, only so one big lie can continue to have life,” reads the statement. “These lies are destroying our character and our reputation in our personal and professional lives. Those who know us personally know that we don’t have hate for anyone. That is not who we are. We try to spread as much love and positivity with whoever we come into contact with. We will  no longer sit back and allow these lies to continue.”  more here

12 Comments on Brothers Accused of Attacking Smollett Sue Actor’s Attorney for Defamation

  1. Real reason for the night terrors. They probably said pay X amount or we sue.

    They have a case. Smollett does not have a Heisman Trophy for them to go after but I’m sure their lawyers will figure out something to make the brother’s happy and whole. The brother’s lawyers are going to do unto Smollett what Smollett has done unto himself but it’s going to be a rough non-consensual financial buggery and it could not happen to a more deserving person.

  2. Looks like Jussie is going to be called to the stand anyway. I wonder how he’ll answer a direct question about whether or not he planned and executed this fraud. He can say the cops dropped the charges but that’s not the same as answering the question. Perjury is a very bad thing Jussie and so is taking the 5th especially if the DA originally dropped them with prejudice (which I think means he can’t be charged with them again).

    The Brothers ought to sue for a huge amount that the lawyer can’t pay off forcing this to trial.

  3. scr_north

    “Perjury is a very bad thing…”

    …unless you’re a Democrat. If you ARE a Democrat, liberal “judges”, even FISA court “judges”, will simply shrug and say “Dems gotta Dem, whatcha gonna do”, and move on to deciding if President Trump going to bed early one night without holding confession with Jim Acosta constitutes obstruction…

  4. Uh, didn’t these two get off because of a plea deal? They were clearly guilty of being a (big) part of Smollet’s one act play, right? Why isn’t that judge in jail?


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