Mark Dice- To Impeach or Not Impeach? The Left Has No Idea What To Do – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- To Impeach or Not Impeach? The Left Has No Idea What To Do

10 Comments on Mark Dice- To Impeach or Not Impeach? The Left Has No Idea What To Do

  1. “The Left Has No Idea What To Do”

    Hit people and break things is their standard response. I expect quite a bit of that in the coming days, and even more around 2020.

    Screaming at the sky is always available to them as it was when The Butcher of Benghazi lost out, but seems a bit pointless since they don’t believe that God is there, and the God that they don’t believe in that IS there, doesn’t have time for their bullshit.

    They are welcome to kill themselves or each other, but I would prefer they do it in a way that doesn’t impact sane people or make us have to clean up the mess, so I would recommend they all go to Venezuela and offer to help Maduro out with the socialism they all love so much, and don’t bother with any passports or permission when they go since they are SO sure good socialist don’t believe in borders n stuff…

  2. And when they do “Have an idea what to do”, hold on to your wallet, tightly!
    Some douchebag name eugene robinson at the pee-post is still pushing this nonsense. What “High crimes” OR “misdemeanors”?
    What a Maroon!

  3. Poor Chuck.
    Every act is either morally correct or it isn’t.
    We live in a binary Universe – Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons (Neutrons are united Protons and Electrons).
    The Moral Universe is the same. Something is moral or it isn’t. Amoral seems to be a transcendence of Morality – Beyond Good and Evil, so to speak – a union of the competing parts – similar (or analogous) to the Neutron.

    I think that Chuck (and he clearly said “we” in his commentary about the Demonrats’ impeachment dilemma) is confusing expediency with the “rightness” of a political act – and attempting to torpedo the will of We, the People of the United States, is fraught with dangers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Both, obviously. Watch the various Congressional Committee clown cars swerving around and honking their horns at Trump, then driving up a ramp into the Impeachment dumpster which catches on fire. Followed by Trumpo Kajumpo flying over the whole wretched mess on a motorcycle. Greatest show on earth.


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